Last year I started an online graduate level certificate program in my field. It’s a four course program. I took the first course last year but then I took a break to have LO in February. Now I have the opportunity to jump back in the program in January for course #2.

Rather unbelievably, work is paying for the program. They were surprisingly cool about me taking a break last year but if I recommit to this program I’m sure they would expect me to complete it. I think my boss could parlay me getting this certificate into a promotion. On the other hand, I think I will get the promotion anyway.

The thing is I just don’t know where I will get the time for the program. I ended up spending 8-10 hours a week on course #1. I just don’t know where I’m going to come up with that kind of time with a job, commute & toddler. Also weighing on my pro/com list is that I might want to get pregnant somewhere in the next year.

I'm leaning towards doing it but I need a little push. Any words of wisdom? Have you added to your overloaded plate & survived?