Curious what others with bad allergies have done. Mine have been pretty horrible since about 6m after moving to Texas. Our tree season started this month and it's one of my worst triggers. I'm also about 5w pregnant with #3 and nervous about taking meds in first tri but today is awful after being outside at our arboretum yesterday. It's hard to separate pregnancy symptoms from allergy symptoms at times as both make me tired, headachy, etc but I'm guessing I can't make it through first tri without treating allergies.
What have you taken or decided not to take? I usually would have allergra and Flonase (both cat c), I also stared shots last August and will be continuing them. Thinking about trying Zyrtec or rhinocort which are cat b - I'd like to go without but I think it will not be doable once I'm sicker in a few weeks. Thanks for any input!