So I'm not a huge fan of my OB, but I feel like it's too late (almost 26 weeks) to switch. I just started seeing him at 18 or 20 weeks because we moved.

I have had really terrible heartburn for the last month and he put me on pepcid last time. This time he told me to try prilosec. I asked if it was a class C drug and he said "yes, but so is pepcid. It just means there is no evidence of harm in animals but there hasn't been any human studies."

Wrong and wrong. Pepcid is class B, and class C (which prilosec is) means there is evidence of fetal harm in animal studies.

Also, he calls me "girl" and the office has screwed up my appointment two out of the three times I've gone in, and cancelled on me another.

And I asked him about a specific condition I have (vulvodynia) and if in his experience, he'd recommend an epidural since there is no literature on vulvodynia and childbirth. He was like "well I'd get an epidural at 26 weeks, but that's because I'm a man." Although he did go on to say that there wasn't any research on the subject but he'd look into it....

And we had a gotten a call that there was a cyst on the baby's brain during the ultrasound, so I brought that up with him. He was very much just like "oh yeah nothing to worry about they shouldn't have even told you" (same with my low lying placenta). Which I know there is no reason to worry, but it seemed odd not to discuss my ultrasound results!!!

Ugh. I had thought about getting a midwife instead when we moved, but EVERYONE recommended this guy to me. Boo. I just want to vent.