Hi all! So Sandy didn't hold us back from going in this morning for some tests we need to have run. While we were there, the genetic counselor said we can go ahead and do the materni-T21 test (blood test for trisomy 13, 18, and 21) instead of waiting to do it on the same day as our integrated scan in 2 weeks, as we had planned! We'll still have the scan then but will already have definitive results on those 3 diseases, which is great.

Now the fun part: genetic testing means we can find out the gender NOW (I'm 10w2d)!! Holy moly! We are still in negotiations and because we haven't made up our mind, told her not to tell us.

In the back and forth with DH about finding out, I think my biggest concern is planning a bris without knowing if it's a boy or a girl! He said he'll take care of the arrangements but I'm still nervous about having to do everything last minute, etc. It's always *sort of* that way anyway since you don't know exactly what day the baby will come.. but still. Anyone had a bris and gone Team Green? How did it turn out?