Hi Bees! A pretty sweet transfer opportunity is available in my office. West Palm Beach! As the title asks, are there any West Palm Beach Bees?!?! I'm looking for any and all information on what it's like to live there. I have to apply by Monday, so not a lot of time to jump on this. If I apply, my boss will know and it may have some backlash, so that's why I'm not going ahead and applying before I try to get my hands on whether it's worth it to put my name out there for! I've never been to West Palm Beach, and don't have time to jump on the plane this weekend and check it out before applying!

Background: We are in our mid-twenties, ttc, do not club or stay out late. We do like to go out to eat a lot! Shopping, beach time, nice weather, and yoga! Is it mostly old(er) people, what's there to do, do you like it? Even if you've only visited, any info will help!

ETA: We live in DC, so the cost of living for us to go to FL will be CHEAP!!!!! I'd call a Realtor and be looking to buy before even moving there Army style!