DH and I have had many conversations over the years about limiting screen time - ever since he whipped out his phone to entertain his 5 mo old nephew, He's always agreed and talks about how all his nephew (now 2.5 yrs) does is watch TV and play games on the phone. I've mentioned several times how the various groups say that screen time for infants should be minimized and that includes TV, games and videos, and video chatting. And in the last three weeks, I've brought up how I am trying not to watch TV while our 8 week old is awake because her eyes have started tracking to the sound and because she gets so much screen time skypeing, I'd like to minimize everything else.

Practically all he does is screen time with her! He video chats with his family at least an hour everyday and if she is not eating, the he's holding her so his family can see her. (And I don't want to limit how much time he chats with his family.). The whole week that we were at my parents, if he was holding her, he was sitting on the couch watching tv. When we got home, I snapped at him when he picked her up after feeding and said " let's go watch some tv." When I said I preferred that they not watch tv, he said "isn't that what you do all day? What am I supposed to do, sit around bored with her all night?" WTH! No, you should interact with your daughter! And, as I've mentioned several times, I'm NOT watching tv while she is awake, I'm playing with her or trying to get her to hang out in the carrier so I can do some laundry.

Sorry, just needed to vent. DH is typically very good with taking care of her and diapers and such.