I bought the wooden one last night for DD and didn't realize that it was recommended for ages 2+. It doesn't seem to have any small parts so I don't see why DD (who will be 9 months at Christmas) can't use it. The plastic one, which I saw at the store, is recommended for 9-12 months. The shapes seem to be about the same size for both versions. Am I missing something? All I can think of is that the wooden one has hard corners, but DD can sit up very well and I don't see her bonking her head on it very easily. Does anyone have it and think the 2 year recommendation is accurate?
Here is the wooden one: http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Shape-Sorting-Cube/dp/B00005RF5G
Here is the plastic: http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Take-Along-Shape-Sorter/dp/B00EYTM9IY/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1418764413&sr=1-2&keywords=melissa+and+doug+shape+sorter