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Anyone LOVE the newborn phase?

  1. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Ds was an easy baby. I think it was just the shock of sleep deprivation that got to me most. Also had a late Nov baby and felt stir crazy! Def had days that felt like groundhogs day and wished those fleeting weeks away! I'm going to try and fully cherish the nb days this next time because they go by SO FAST! And they're only so little for such a short period!!

    Dh was off for six weeks and it was nice to tackle it all together! Sure we had a couple tiffs working out the kicks of first time parenthood but we bonded so much through that time in our new normal. Im so grateful for the time we had as a new family of 3! We also fully enjoyed our time w our families that holiday season. I WISH Dh could get the same time off this time!!

  2. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the newborn phase! For transparencies sake though, I am an NICU nurse so newborns are pretty much my jam in general and I am well versed in newborn care

  3. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I love the newborn stage in theory (They're so tiny! They love to sleep on you! The sweet baby smells! The blissed out mama euphoria!), but in actuality, three things stand out to me that make me realize I don't REALLY love it.

    1) The blowouts. "Oh, look at my cute, tiny, 10 day old baby! Isn't she.....wait. what's that yellow stuff on my shirt? Is it baby shit? Oh my gosh....sick, you just shit all over me!"

    2) The engorged boobs. "Oh, hi, friend. I'd love to go out for lunch with you, but I have these incredibly painful bowling balls strapped to my chest that I have to carry around all day and then attempt to feed my baby with later....." Seriously. The engorgement killed me.

    3) The mixed up days and nights. Some people luck out and get babies who know when it's daytime and when it's nighttime. Not mine. They slept all day and were awake all night for over a month. I think I literally wore the same pair of sweats BACKWARDS for three days in a row becuase I Literally. Couldn't. Even.

  4. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I loved the newborn stage both times! They're so small and cuddly, and oh that newborn smell - I never wanted to put my babies down! Both of my girls were good sleepers though and we didn't have any trouble BF'ing (other than the initial pain) so we had it fairly easy. Also, I fall asleep very easily, so waking up during the night to feed was no big deal - feed, snuggle, pop baby down, and I'd be asleep 30 seconds later, so I never really felt overly sleep deprived.

    DH also had two weeks off both times and that initial family bonding was absolutely wonderful. Those were some of the best days of our lives...

    I honestly loved the newborn days and it is thinking about those that makes me want a third!

  5. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I had one very difficult newborn and one amazing newborn, so I can't really say!

  6. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Heck no! It was and still is, the most difficult phase for us.

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I HATED it with my first! Everything was soooooooo hard and caused me so much anxiety!

    But with my second, everything was a BREEZE and I LOVED every second of it! The newborn phase is too short (when you're enjoying it, and too long when you aren't)!

  8. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    I think it depends on the newborn, lol.

    My first was easygoing and it would have been amazing, if I hadn't been so anxious and suffering from ppa. Other than that it was great

  9. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    If breastfeeding wasn't so stressful I would have loved it more. I felt like I was on a constant countdown of when I would have to nurse again. We had latch issues and it hurt for a while and I would just dread it. Other than that though I loved the snuggles and how he could just fall asleep whenever. Lol

  10. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    I LOVE it and I'm expecting my fourth!!! I also enjoy 18 months.

  11. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    Love it. I love getting to know them and feel overwhelmed with new love for a person. With my first DH had time off and we'd take long walks then end at a little outdoor cafe. Baby didn't sleep well at night and I got mastitis but all the love and cuddles make up for it by a ton. I just love getting to know this new sweet little being.

  12. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I love it. Sure you're tired, but isn't that what you signed up for? I love the cuddly, tiny babies, and how new everything is for them. Also, everything is cute. Smiles, adorable! Hiccups, precious! Toots, hilarious!

  13. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    I loved it:) I had a very good sleeper & pro breast feeder so it was very manageable

  14. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Yes! It definitely has it's challenges- for me it was the worrying. Is she ok? Is she gaining enough? Is this sound/behavior/rash/whatever normal?? But I never got the baby blues and lack of sleep didn't bother me too much- plus when you do finally get a few hours in a row it feels SO good. They're just such little loves, such mysteries unfolding before your eyes!

  15. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    I loved it for LO 2 even though she puked a lot the first 6 weeks!

  16. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    I loved it all three times! Every part of it was special

  17. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    I love it! She was so sweet and snugly.

  18. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    I don't know that I would say I loved it, but it was pretty enjoyable. I had built up a dread about it, and it was so much easier and more fun than I expected. I think people are much more likely to post when things are going poorly than when things are going well. I had almost no experience with babies, and went in expecting it to be awful, so I was pleasantly surprised. I did have an extremely easy baby though - a good sleeper with a happy temperament, and a lot of help from DH. I also had some good happy hormones. For me, pregnancy was much harder than the newborn phase, and I had a pretty average pregnancy.

  19. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    I looooved the newborn stage, but it was still extremely difficult. I personally found 7 to 12 weeks to be kind of challenging. Still lovely and snugly but the witching hour was no joke.

  20. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Totally. My LO was the easiest newborn who ever lived. She never cried, ate on a schedule, and loved to sleep. I'm so nervous to have another... no way we'll get that lucky twice.

  21. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Yes! I loved the snuggles, he newborn smell, strangely I loved breastfeeding, and since he's my one and only I had so much time- I binge watched tv for 5 weeks and it was just a wonderful time. He also never cried!
    The huge downside was no sleep. He hardly slept at all - he'd only sleep while being held and would scream if put in his own bed- so yeah that was rough.

  22. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    Loved it! It wasn't difficult at all.

  23. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    I loved it! I wouldn't say it was a piece of cake, but DS was a relatively easy baby from months 1-4. He slept pretty well, was a great nurser, and was really happy and easygoing. I was totally like "let's have tons more babies!" It got real around the 4 month mark - sleep went to crap, he got his first cold... months 4-11 were SO HARD. Now I'm not so sure about more babies - but I LOVE the one I've got

  24. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3392 posts

    I loooooved it! I had tons of PP anxiety, but he was a (mostly) mellow baby and I loved just sitting and cuddling him, nursing, watching him sleep, etc. I could eat, work on the computer, or watch TV without it affecting him. Plus he was immobile so I could leave him on the bed, couch, etc and not worry about him going anywhere! I miss those days.

  25. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    I loved it! I loved being home for 3 months with her and things didnt start to get difficult until i had to go back to real life - Early wakeups after being up 3 times during the night, daycare sickness, pumping 3-4 times a day, functioning at work on little sleep, hormones, trying to cram ALL THE CHORES in on the weekends, or the 2 hours we were home before collapsing. I'll take a newborn over real life any day.

  26. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I loved it in terms of just seeing how squishy, little and precious they are. But in reality, I didn't really... Part of it was probably pp hormones, but I just didn't connect with her since she barely was awake, has no real interaction with me, etc. I started to really enjoy her starting from 3 mo on probably.

  27. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @mrsjyw: Stir crazy because it was cold out and got dark early?? Just wondering because our LO is due Nov. 19 and I am also worried about those things!

  28. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Love reading all of these!

  29. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    I don't love it, but I definitely enjoyed it more the second time around. Overall, I prefer the older they get when they interact more, aren't eating all the time and sleep more - ha ha.

  30. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    I loved it!!! DD has always been such a sweet little cuddle bug, and I loved every second of those baby snuggles.

  31. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @wrkbrk: not so much the dark but def the winter snow (we live in mi) and also, I'm Korean (per cultural practice and my mom's insistence) and didn't venture out much aside from doc appts and such until almost 7/8 weeks! That coupled with first time mom nervousness = lots of Netflix and at home time.

  32. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Love love loveeeeee the newborn stage. DS was an amazing newborn so that helped sway me for sure. Toddlerhood is so much more taxing. I would totally have a bajillion kids if they weren't so expensive to raise and put through school!

  33. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Even though in general I was one of those who "hated" the newborn phase, there were still parts that I loved, mostly the snuggling and the nice breastfeeding moments when she would fall asleep while nursing and I would just stare at her lovingly.

    I think it depends on what kind of baby you have, if baby is easygoing and not much of a crier, you will probably love it. My baby would cry a lot and even cry during feedings, so for me it was hard and that's why I much prefer her after 2 months when it got a lot better!

    The more you are prepared and educated about newborn care... like how to breastfeed (if you're planning to), how to handle bouts of crying (5 S's for example), how to take care of yourself, etc. the more likely you will set yourself up to love the newborn phase.

  34. msplatypus

    cherry / 229 posts

    Hated it while it was happening, missed it when it was gone :).

  35. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Ok, so now that I have experienced the newborn phase, I can answer this.

    I *really like* the newborn phase...but maybe that's because I haven't experienced any other phase since DS is two months old today. It's been hard with all of our breastfeeding issues, so most of my stress has been stuff like that. I expected DH and I to be at each other's throats with the stress but that didn't happen (thankfully.) Sometimes I get resentful because so much is on my shoulders (because I have boobs) but DH is pretty good about encouraging me to get out of the house.
    I hate how fast it's gone by but I am also excited for what's to come.

  36. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    I did with #1! Hopefully will also with #2! Sure, it was hard and perhaps a blurry fuzz, but I remember just soaking it all in! The hardest part I remember was the emotional dreams/nightmares I had and the sweats. No one prepared me for the hormonal roller coaster. The newborn phase seemed to go by in the blink of an eye - I sure missed it and will probably go even faster with the next one.

  37. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I could have written that update. LO is 2 months as of Saturday, and I love it all, except for the BFing struggles. We're making progress, but it's sloooow going. But I love everything else, and hate how fast it's going.

  38. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Yes loved every second! Well except BF for first couple months. Otherwise super easy baby and loved the newborn days!!

  39. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    I love love LOVE the newborn phase! 😍

  40. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    i didn't think i loved it, but now that A is becoming a toddler, and we're awaiting lo2 in October, i'm looking forward to having a newborn again. assuming he's quiet and sleeps a lot and doesn't fuss


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