Just curious are you taking your LO trick or treating?
Just curious are you taking your LO trick or treating?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I’m not. LO and I will attend his daycare’s Fall Festival on the lawn and pass out treats at home. Lately, LO has been doing really well with strangers, but it’s usually when he’s on his own turf and me right beside him. He’ll be pleased as punch to open the door and pass out treats to the other kids.
ETA: he’s 2.5 yrs old and wouldn’t be eating the candy anyway.
nectarine / 2018 posts
Yes! She's gone the past two years, though last year was the first she cared about. We lived in a large apartment building up until this summer so she had a pretty sweet setup - trick or treating inside and with 100+ units. This year we will be outside. We live on a busy road so we are going to my mom's neighborhood which is filled with kids. She is so excited and has been talking about it for months.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I let my son decide. The first time we had the opportunity, he was three and he didn't really know what it was about, so he didn't last past two houses on our street.
Then, the following year he decided he wanted to hand out the candy and scare the guests with the fog machine. Last year, he decided he wanted to TOT with the neighbors.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
We're taking our son (will be just over 2.5) in our neighborhood only. There are about 50 houses, it's one big loop with houses on the inside and outside of the circle. He really enjoyed it last year, loved knocking on doors, and getting candy (mom & dad ended up with 95% of it )
persimmon / 1121 posts
Yes! I’m so excited for this year. We went last year when she was 2.5 to a few houses and she loved it, but it was hard because she had a peanut/walnut allergy and couldn’t eat any of the candy she got. This year we’ve done SLIT for her allergies so she can eat anything and she is very excited about it.
coffee bean / 30 posts
DD will only be 22 months, but we'll take her to her grandparents and cousins' houses just down the street. I plan on eating any candy she gets.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Yes we’ve taken her since she was 2! Our preschool does a trunk and treat so I’m curious to check that out.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Yes! I'm really excited because we are moving to a cute neighborhood that is known for being a great place to go trick or treating. My kids are little, so we will likely just go to a few houses. We will have people over at our house for chili and whatnot. There will be someone home to pass out candy while we take the littles out. I'm actually really so exited!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
Yes, we've been taking DS since he was 3. He's 5 this year. We will just go around our neighbourhood.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
No; they already have trick or treating at school. We stay home to give out candy.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: We have each year and will continue to. He's almost 4. My son lives to be out in our neighborhood meeting people, and to deny him the one day a year in which he can go up to all the houses and interact with people would make him so sad. Even in the instance of a severe allergy, I'd still want my child to be able to participate in such a fun ritual by walking around. He'll be allowed a few pieces of candy rather than the whole stash, but it's not even about that for him; he loves the decorations and costumes! Our then 3-month-old daughter will also come with because it'll be a fun family evening.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Definitely! They’ll be 4.5 and 2.5 and they’re already talking about costumes.
persimmon / 1390 posts
Of course! I always loved trick or treating growing up. Halloween is also my daughter’s bday so there’s that. We just leave out a bowl of candy and take our losses if some kid swipes it all. Her daycare did trick or treating at school last year so they got to go twice which was extra fun.
grapefruit / 4278 posts
For sure, we all go as a family. This year we've made some more neighborhood friends and I hope we can all go together in a pack. We leave a bowl out and it all gets swiped and I get cranky that pre-teens are pre-teens and are inconsiderate... but I want to be able to participate with the kiddos too.
kiwi / 598 posts
Yes. We took DS the first time just before he turn 2. He liked it but got tired quickly. Last year (just before 3) he really loved it and also enjoyed the fireworks going off around the neighborhood.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
My son will be 2.5 and we go to a free, huge church event 5 minutes away - there are halloween games and bounce houses, and kids get candy at all the games, win or lose. He will use one of his dress-up costumes (fireman, doctor) or use the hand-me-down skeleton PJs. I kind of want to dress me and baby as rosie the riveter but I don't want to buy stuff.
There isn't a lot of trick-or-treating on my street, but if there was, we would definitely go. DH prefers to stay home and I prefer to go out, so we will split up.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Yes! This will be our second year in this neighborhood and they go all out!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: this explains DD! She doesn’t have allergies but I relate to the kids wanting to interact and see the costumes and say TRICK OR TREAT! Once I learned about the teal pumpkin I started getting candy without nuts. It’s not something I thought about not having experienced it but I want to be more aware of!
pear / 1728 posts
We're going this year for the first time (DD is 2.5). We'll likely just go to a few houses.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Technically no. Our neighborhood has a parade in our local park where the kids dress up and get candy. We will so that. DS will be almost 3 on Halloween.
pear / 1737 posts
Yes! So excited. Second year going and she’s nearly 3. We did one block last year with older cousins and it will probably be similar this year. She also hands out candy and last year was a pro and it was both hilarious and adorable.
pineapple / 12053 posts
Yep, but we’ll be on a trip to Hawaii so we’re tagging along with our friends who live there! They’ll end up with most of our loot because we leave the next day! 5.5, 3 and a baby.
nectarine / 2262 posts
I don't think so (not on the actual night of Halloween). We will do Trunk or Treat at church the Sunday before, though. I'm not opposed to ToT - he just turned 3, and usually by 6pm he's a meltdown mess from no nap at daycare and in bed by 7-7:30. So I think it's just gonna be too much for him. Maybe next year.
pear / 1992 posts
Yep! LO is 6 and this will be our 5th year taking her. The first year was just her in a bunny hoodie and little leggings in her stroller, walking around a few blocks while we said hi to neighbors and declined treats. We've made our loop bigger and let her keep more and more of her goodies each year. For the past 3 years or so we've also gone with neighborhood friends and pulled the kids in our wagon so they can hop in/out between houses easily and have a little buddy with them. Our neighborhood does a good job and some houses go all out so it can be as big of a deal or as easy as we like.
I make a batch of crock-pot chili that day and our friends come over for a bowl before we head out. We buy glow stick necklaces for the group and make our rounds before heading home for (usually late) bedtimes.
We leave a bowl out with treats. For the last several years we've been getting nut-free chocolates as well as some kind of non-candy treat to include in the bowl. We just leave it out on our porch with the light on while we are out doing our thing and usually have leftover to dole out to kids after we get home.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
For sure! I think when first was a baby we just walked around (we had a neighborhood that decorated a lot so it was just festive). At one we basically did the same although she went up to some places that just had candy out (too shy otherwise). By two she was into it and now it’s tradition! We just love holiday stuff so we’ll also go to a couple other events where they can use their costumes - they don’t really eat much of the candy but they love getting it!
ETA I love it too because we had so much fun running the neighborhood when I was little and it reminds me of simple times
squash / 13199 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: DH probably will see we will have a newborn at the time I will probably stay home
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