grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Hey, while sipping my coffee, I skimmed through a plethora of sites looking for one specific ERA article I remember reading a couple months back, for you to review. I know you are super-informed on the process and some of the stats, but I figured I'd share it anyway as it was an interesting read.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Page 10 Update:
⛱ August 2019 POAS ⛱
26 July - CatchAFallingStar - - April Mama
31 July - Paranundrum
1 Aug - FuzzyPeaches -
6 Aug - JennyLayneAZ - - April Mama
7 Aug - Yellowbeach
11 Aug - JennyPenny
12 Aug - MoonMoon
14 Aug - SweetCaroline
14 Aug - BreakOutTheIceCream
22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea
TBD - ,
No POAS - Kaohinani (AF due 15 Aug)
Drop-In BFP -
🤸♀️ ♀️ Amazing Cheerleaders:
- Lazb
- Sam's Mom
- CrazyDogLady
- PachaMama
- BHBee
nectarine / 2648 posts
@SweetCaroline: It's definitely good you know when you need to step back and when you can fully engage. I usually have to step away right after my BFN and regroup, but I think this cycle since we are exploring a different test and won't be transferring anything (so no POAS this cycle) it feels safe to stick around. I'm assuming you didn't see much this morning when you tested?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Started spotting bright red tinted CF. Figured AF was starting SUPER early as I'm only 13 dpo and not in my usual 16-18 dpo to begin AF. I tested to check (10 MIU IC) and I have a super faint line. Spotting is getting heavier so I'm preparef for the worst. Wondering how this may affect my up-and-coming IUI. In any case, August was good to me once (DD was conceived then) but between last year and this year, I think August has it out for me.
I'm going to suck it up and move onto the next cycle.
Picture (zoomed in as much as I could):
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: wait, what??? 🤔 ? Are we thinking this is another not to be named cycle?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: I am thinking whatever made the faint BFPs on the OSOM's (which never progressed) MAY be ANOTHER August "thing we do not name." As of the moment, I only get a drop or 2 when I wipe BUT it is AF red. Another assumption I have is that I am indeed perimenopausal. I have higher LH levels and had spotting way earlier than my normal AF would begin. Perimenopause also generates higher natural HCG until menopause hits. In all honesty, I won't know until I see my RE. I intend to call tomorrow to see how this may affect AF. If it is perimenopause, I can see my chances for a true, sticky BFP just slipping away. I am trying to be positive until I hear otherwise.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Since the spotting began, had a glass of Merlot. My nerves are calmed and I am moving forward to my IUI unless my RE states otherwise.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: I hate to ask but have to ask, could it be a true BFP?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: I honestly dont believe it is. It was showing on 20 MIU tests on 7/8 dpo and is only visible (barely) on my 10 MIU at 13 dpo. I am not bleeding brown (old blood) or pink ... it is bright red and splotchy. Only in super odd cases does implantation occur at 13 dpo. That stated, my FF advanced setting placed me at 14 dpo today, the FAM setting has me at 13 dpo, and research setting has me at 12 dpo. Knowing my body and how weird it has been lately with variant OV days (anywhere from 8-15 dpo non-medicated) and my usual LPs (usually from 16-18 dpo, but 14/15 is not unheard of), I would consider both a loss and the start of perimenopause. Until I consult my RE, I won't know.
Scouring for ANY evidence, I found this:
My brain still tells me I am out though.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: well I had a faint line on a 25 miu Pregmate long before j had a line on whatever the heck FRER touts theirs to be. Also had bright red bleeding in pregnancy and all is well. Last but not least, also anecdotal, my friend that is finally having her first in September after 3 years of trying had frequent red spotting throughout her first trimester, and all is well.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I will keep hopeful but I am thinking it isn't what it should be. Thank you for your continued positivity.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: also at nearly 11 weeks I'm still getting equally dark but not dye stealing OSOMs. I don't think they progressed much at all until 6-7 weeks
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Kaohinani: I understand all your hesitance but I am so hopeful for you ... a surprise this cycle or a smooth transition to next
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: My fingers and toes are and will remain firmly crossed for you.
I'm probably near OV now, it might be today or tomorrow (or yesterday). I'm not temping or using OPKs at the moment, I might start again next cycle so I won't have to go by CM and my gut alone.
My POAS date will most likely be the 26th or 27th, but I'm pretty sure I won't reach those dates and start AF before.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: ummmmm, wow! I definitely see a line, and am cautiously excited for you! I totally understand your hesitation, but I think it can still be a good thing! I can’t wait for another update
kiwi / 548 posts
@Kaohinani: hoping this is real and can’t wait for an update from you!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@SweetCaroline: @JennyLayneAZ: @paranundrum: @LAZB: @LabradorLover:
Thank you, ladies.
Update: Painful cramps began a bit after 0100 (1 am) and heavy bleeding with small clots began around 0400. My BBT decreased by .30. I popped a muscle relaxer and pain reliever then called the answering service at my RE's office. They will call me back when they open and schedule me for a U/S and bloodwork (including a beta). If cramping gets worse or if the bleeding becomes severe, I am to report to the ER.
I am counting today as CD1 (with a possible MMC) ... My LP was only 13 dpo this cycle. Onto an IUI (if everything looks decent and if I don't overstim.).
Update to the update: The REs NP called me back. My RE will be on vacation from the 21st to the 25th. I will have the choice of doing an IUI or TI with meds... If everything looks good (and I do not have a cyst or retained matter), I would probably trigger on the 21st going by my last cycle on Follistim which means it would be a TI cycle and the NEXT cycle would be my IUI if TI doesn't take. If I have retained matter or too high E2 (or HCG) for CD3 testing, the cycle will be cancelled and I would have my IUI in mid-September. This is A LOT to process at the moment. IDK if I should try this cycle or just let my body rest.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
⛱ August 2019 POAS ⛱
26 July - CatchAFallingStar - - April Mama
31 July - Paranundrum
1 Aug - FuzzyPeaches -
6 Aug - JennyLayneAZ - - April Mama
7 Aug - Yellowbeach
11 Aug - JennyPenny
12 Aug - MoonMoon
14 Aug - SweetCaroline
14 Aug - BreakOutTheIceCream
22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea
26 Aug - Paranundrum
TBD - ,
No POAS - Kaohinani
Drop-In BFP -
🤸♀️ ♀️ Amazing Cheerleaders:
- Lazb
- Sam's Mom
- CrazyDogLady
- PachaMama
- BHBee
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm sorry. I hope the meds take care of the pain and you get some answers when you get to the RE's office.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: Thank you so much.
The RE's office called me back. (I updated my last entry.)
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: Eh - try not to decide now ahead of your testing. You run through every scenario and your labs might not be what you expect. Easy to say I know, but probably a waste of mental energy to try and make a plan without all your data.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: I’m sorry, that’s not the update I was hoping for. I agree with @yellowbeach: to try to not make any plans before testing, I feel like it’s so hard to make a plan and such a burn when you can’t even do the plan
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Afm, my transfer and everything is put on hold. I don’t want to go into too much detail now, but my husband is having some issues and needs to get better before we move forward. Hopefully not too long, but probably at least a month or two.
Annoyingly I’ve been on bcp for the last week to line up my cycle, and it’s made me feel gross, have extra discharge, and am now already spotting, so I’ll definitely be stopping those pills now
nectarine / 2460 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm so sorry I hope you get good answers soon and can keep moving forward
@LAZB: ugh, I'm sorry you have to put things on hold. I hope your husband gets better soon
nectarine / 2460 posts
I just got back from my vacation in Portugal and it was incredibly therapeutic. I had some good chats with my sisters-in-laws about TTC and family plans and it helped me feel at ease about whatever happens. I took a test when I got home and honestly felt totally fine with whatever it was going to say, but I got two lines... I'm not really excited yet, because it's still early and I know that two lines doesn't guarantee a baby but at least I've made it to this point...
olive / 66 posts
@LAZB: So sorry to hear this news. Hope your husband feels better soon.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: @LAZB: Thank you, ladies. I needed the clarity as my brain is in a fog with all of the information during this very stressful time. I'm thinking, if the tests are problematic and I have residual HCG, I will wait it out until my body allows me to move forward. If I get the clear, I think we will simply go with TI (again) and go for.the IUI next cycle. Perhaps, we will all end up on the Sept or Oct board together again. Lazb, I hope your DH feels better soon!
@JennyPenny: Thank you for the kind words. I am glad you had a spectacular vacation, oh, and of course "Congratulations on your BFP!"🥳 I am excited for you and hope that yours is a sticky bean
🤞 Please, tell me when you want me to update the board with your .
clementine / 950 posts
Hey ladies
I’ve been a bit MIA just re evaluating my next steps.
@Kaohinani: what a saga, I was really crossing my fingers for you - but I’m hoping IUI is the magic bullet. And although I have been (more than) annoyed when specialists have said this to me - there is some benefit to the knowledge that pregnancy is possible even if the outcome is not positive.
@JennyPenny: congrats girl!! Show us pics! @LAZB: I’m sorry to see this I’m hoping his recovery is quick and you can get back to it ASAP! The hormones are no joke. I’m on femara right now and am a totally unreasonable human right now and I can’t stop lol.
@yellowbeach: I’m so sorry to see your update also. Do you know what your plans are coming up??
nectarine / 2648 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Will be doing an ERA this cycle to make sure we are transferring during the window when I am receptive to implantation. 75-80% of these tests come back normal and don;t change management, but if I fall into the minority, we'll have something different to try next transfer cycle.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm so sorry
@LAZB: Sorry you're on hold
@JennyPenny: Congratulations I completely understand your hesitation for the excitement though!
nectarine / 2460 posts
@Kaohinani: thanks maybe in a day or 2 if they get darker. That’s when I’ll feel comfortable calling for a dr appt too.
@fuzzypeaches: thanks pics below for your viewing pleasure. It’s Sun morning and this morning on the bottom. I *think* today’s might be the tiniest smidge darker...
@JennyLayneAZ: thanks I’m following along the April board and hoping to join soon
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: those lines are beautiful!! Hope to see you over there soon we need more ladies lol
pear / 1718 posts
@Kaohinani: been thinking of you
@LAZB: I hope your husband is better soon!
@JennyPenny: Congratulations!!
pear / 1718 posts
I've cracked open a hard cider tonight...AF is 3 days out and BFN. I'm annoyed and a little angry. I haven't been through the half of what many of you amazing women have been. However, there is still a part of me that thinks: I was patient through many many months of monitoring a breast tumor, I had a miscarriage, why can't I just get pregnant in the first couple cycles following?
On the other hand, today I went to a workout bootcamp for the first time in years. It felt so good and I signed up for another one this week. if I have to wait another month, I can focus another month on getting healthier. Also, if I were to get preggo in next cycle, we'd be looking at a end of May baby, which is appealing.
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