Hi all! I'm almost 15 weeks along. I have noticed in the past few weeks after I exercise (I try to walk 2-3 miles a few times a week), do a lot of housework, cleaning, basically do anything more than just sitting around, I get TERRIBLE pain in my low back... although honestly, it's more almost to the left of my tailbone. It sounds like it may be posterior pelvic pain?

I have not gained much weight and I'm not that big so although I know there can be some pulling/stretching, it seems a little early for such severe pain!

Today, I did a lot of housework, carrying laundry up and down the stairs, etc., then my husband and I walked about 3 miles. Now, I can barely move I got up from the couch just now and I almost fell over, the pain took my breath away.

I am going to call my ob tomorrow, because this seems excessive! I have NEVER had back pain in my life. My level of activity is not any more than pre-pregnancy, I'm not running or doing any kind of intense exercise. Has anyone else had an experience like this?