DH and I are very newly TTC however the topic of baby names comes up at every family gathering (mostly DH's side of the family.) I don't mind the discussion, however I am not sharing the name list I have so far. I just feel like it's too early and we're not even pregnant yet.

I also don't really want to hear anyone's input on what they think about the names! I know that sounds kind of bratty but hearing, "Oh I knew a ___, she was such a B****" or other associations people have with a name are just so obnoxious to hear about.. why even share? *sigh* Anyway, people's boundries are another issue entirely.

On the other hand, I'm super open to hearing suggestions or names people like.

Anyone else in the same boat? Are you an open book or keeping lips sealed? I think it makes a difference if you are TTC or pregnant already, but I might be wrong! Just curious to see if I'm being silly!