Hellobee Boards


"Baby On Board" Signs

  1. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @luckypenny: do you find that people tailgate you less with the BonB sign? (honest question). I like to think I'm a pretty considerate driver (I never tailgate, pet peeve of mine), but I hate those signs. But maybe I'm the minority?

  2. mamabolt

    nectarine / 2797 posts

    I always thought they were silly but I recently read they are to tell emergency responders to look for an infant in case of a serious accident. If that's the case I don't mind them so much, still won't be getting one myself though.

  3. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    While i would never have a sign in my car, i actually get annoyed when i see a really reckless/aggressive driver with a BoB sign!

  4. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I think they are obnoxious.

  5. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @yoursilverlining: Id say yes. And if they are, once I look back at them they usually back off then. Don't mess with a protective mama lol

  6. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Honestly I have a BonB sign to more easliy spot my car.....

  7. LaineysMom

    clementine / 916 posts

    I think that they're super annoying and do do much in the realm of safety. The only reason why I will get one is to avoid being pulled over by CHP while in the carpool lane. LO's carseat is in the back-middle spot and is so hard to see! Plus, my windows are kind of tinted (to the legal limit!). We have a family friend who used to get pulled over once a week because CHP wouldn't see his passenger.. The day that this happens to me I will buy the stupid sign.

  8. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    I am a careful driver, but am extra careful when I see a car with a BonB sign. I also am less impatient if they.are slow. Never felt negatively toward them. People in Boston love to tailgate. I always wanted a mechanism that would make a hand flip off tailgaters from back window.

  9. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @LaineysMom: I had never thought about the BoB sign working for the HOV lane!

  10. msmay

    cherry / 163 posts

    I'm so surprised at the anti-BoB sign sentiments! I was thinking of getting one, but now I'm reevaluating... I especially didn't consider the extra target for kidnappers Maybe I'll just get a sign that says, "I drive slowly, so just go ahead and pass me. Riding my a** won't make me go faster!"

  11. Sammyfab

    pomegranate / 3383 posts

    I hate them!! But I will respect a driver who has the sign and is driving cautiously in the proper lane....but if you're going super slow in the left lane I will still ride your ass sign or no sign.

  12. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    I'm not sure why everyone thinks they are so bad! I don't have one but when we had our car seat checked by the fire department, they said they like those signs to know right away if there is a baby in the car in the case of a bad accident?

  13. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    I'm not sure if I will get one, but it actually does work for me. If a car in front of me is driving annoyingly slow and I catch up to them all angry, I immediatley calm down when I see that sign.


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