A couple weeks ago we found out that DH's sister is pregnant with an unplanned baby. They aren't married (but are engaged) and make very little money. The FI is a grad student applying for pHd fellowships, she makes minimum wage, and doesn't get enough hours to work full time.

So DH and I offered to throw them a baby shower, since they need all the financial help they can get. But the logistics of it are really difficult. We live in Boston, they live in Indiana, and at some point (probably in May) they will move from Indiana to wherever he ends up continuing his graduate work. Could be DC, Chicago, Michigan or Vancouver. So, nowhere close to us, and nowhere close to where they currently are.

I'm not sure how to work this with the gifts. If their family brings huge piles of stuff I have no idea how they'll get home. And on top of that they will then be moving a big distance right before baby's born.

Anyone have any ideas? Should we ask for gift cards? I fee like no one likes that. As for people to just send them stuff? I feel like there's no good solution :-/.