My baby shower is today and I have some questions. I haven't attended a baby shower since I was about twelve (been living overseas and showers aren't a thing there), so I'm kind of clueless about everything.

My questions are -

Do you get up and physically go over to each person as you're opening the gifts to hug them and thank them for their gift? Or do you just say thank you across the room and then later go thank them again?

If there isn't a tag or card with a gift, should I just ask who this is from? I want to know so I can send thank you's, but at my bridal shower there were some gifts that didn't come with cards and I didn't know if they wanted it to be a surprise or if they just forgot.

If you get doubles or something obviously gendered (we're team green as far as the world knows) do you just ignore that fact and gush about it anyway? Pretend like you don't notice? What?

It's a co-ed shower, but how much should my husband be involved? Should he open gifts too, or just help and watch me do it? He's not as good at faking excitement, so maybe it'd be better if I opened everything myself?

Ahh, I'm excited about this shower but kind of scared - it's almost entirely little old ladies who are very picky about what's "proper" and I have a feeling I'm going to royally screw up. lol