My LO is 3.5 months and LOVES her swing. She will stay in the swing happy for a very long time. Sometimes she will fall asleep in it, even if she isn't tired at all (like only been awake for 45 minutes). It is very nice for me because I can get some stuff done while she chills in the swing and looks around. However, my question is this: How much swing time is too much? If I waited to take her out until she was fussy or bored, that would be um....never. But after 30 minutes of her being in the swing I start to feel guilty and I take her out. What would you do? Should 30 minutes at a time be the maximum?

P.S. one time when I was super exhausted I just stuck her in the swing so I could take a nap, and when I woke up she was still sitting there as happy as can be!!