About a week ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt some insane movement in my belly. There was a lot of tugging and pulling and while it didn't really hurt it was definitely uncomfortable. Up until that point, no one had been able to determine what position my baby was in, so I figured all that movement must have been baby flipping into a head down position.......I found out at my 32 week appointment yesterday that it was actually baby turning breech!
My midwife isn't overly concerned at this point and said that baby might still turn. She gave me a bunch of suggestions for alternative practitioners with whom her patients have had good outcomes. I've already made an appointment with a chiropractor who is skilled in the Webster Technique and I'm also looking into acupuncture/moxibustion.
If baby still hasn't flipped by 35/36 weeks I would be sent for an u/s to confirm the position and then my midwife would make a referral to an OB in our city who has about a 60% success rate with external version.
If baby still doesn't flip, we would discuss options, including vaginal breech birth or c-section, depending on the exact position in which the baby is presenting.
I feel like, at every turn, this baby is already teaching me about letting go of control and going with the flow!
Just wondering about other bees who have experienced breech babies at 32 weeks: Did your baby flip? Did you do anything to encourage flipping? Any words of wisdom?