LO #2 is due in October, and babywearing is something I'd like to do differently this time around, and I'm looking for suggestions.

Here's what I have/ have tried:
1. We had a HotSling. Didn't like it- I think maybe it was too small, but it was a pain to get LO in and out of it, and I kept worrying about whether his airflow was ok.
2. We have a Moby. I know that as a crunchier-leaning parent I'm supposed to love the Moby but I hated it. I thought it was a huge pain in the butt to get on and to deal with in general, and I never felt like LO was really secure it in (like, I'd still use at least one hand to help hold him up/in). I'm sure that a lot of this could be improved with practice with the wrap and watching more videos, but that also sounds like a pain.
3. We borrowed a Baby Bjorn with our first, and we liked it a lot thought we've now given it back. I know it's not ideal for their hips, but DH and I loved how user-friendly it was.
4. We own an Ergo. We do not have an infant insert, but everyone I've talked to says they didn't like the infant insert anyhow.

So here is what I'm thinking: if I were to do it over again, I think I might go with a Beco over the Ergo, but since I have an Ergo and we liked it just fine with #1, I think that's what we'll use once LO #2 is old enough and has the head/neck control for it. So unless someone has a compelling argument for substituting the Ergo with something else, I imagine we'll just go with that.

I mainly want to figure out what to do with LO#2 during the newborn period. With LO#1, we didn't do much babywearing at all because someone was just holding him virtually all the time anyways, and there was hardly ever a time when everyone around LO actually needed to have hands free!

I figure my options are:
1. Learn to love the Moby (if I practice, will I learn to love it? Did anyone really make a good faith effort and still hate it?)
2. Buy a Baby Bjorn since we know how to use it.
3. Buy something else. I saw a girl at the zoo the other day with a Sakura Bloom ring sling and she made that look secure and easy, but who knows if I'd feel the same.

Can I get some feedback/suggestions on options for newborns/nearly-new-borns and babywearing, especially options that are easy to use and hard to screw up and feel secure?