Before we had kids I said we wanted 2 and that was it! Bu now I'm leaning toward 3 (now that we have already have our 2, i just don't feel "done!")
Did your family "dream" size change once you had kids?
Before we had kids I said we wanted 2 and that was it! Bu now I'm leaning toward 3 (now that we have already have our 2, i just don't feel "done!")
Did your family "dream" size change once you had kids?
124 votes
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Knew I wanted two. (DH too) #2 should be arriving any day. Definitely still only want two!
papaya / 10570 posts
I really wanted 3 but then I actually had one and now its a miracle #2 is on the way! We will be stopping at 2.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Neither DH or I have changed. Unfortunately, our ideal numbers are different (him 2, me 3).
pomegranate / 3863 posts
Always wanted 3 but struggled with my DS so now we settled on 2.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
I said less... I always wanted more than 2 but we sort of feel complete with 2. So we might stick with two. We plan to revisit our feelings in a few years though. I'm kind of have 3 in the back of my mind... but 2 feels pretty darn good.
eggplant / 11861 posts
We have alwaysed said 3 were are on #1 she is 12 monthsnwe will see how 2 goes God willing!!!
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
I always wanted 2, DH wanted 5 but is now more reasonable
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Dh always said two, I said 2 maaaaybe 3. We have our two now and are still 95% sure we are done.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I always said 3 but we have 2 and 3 just seems unrealistic for us right now. We aren't 100% sure we are done but we are definitely not willing to revisit the conversation until at least 3 more years pass.
pomegranate / 3375 posts
I've always thought we'd have two. We just have one right now, and plan to have another at some point.
What DID change was the "pace" I thought we'd have kids. When I was pregnant, I figured we'd have kids about 1.5-2 years apart. LO is currently 2, and we have NO plans on adding another anytime soon. We're really enjoying her, and think we'd like a 4-5 year gap now.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
Before kids I wanted 3 and DH would have gone up to 4. After DS1, I went down to 2. After my second, I wasted three again.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Always thought two was the perfect number but our number went up to three after LO 1 was born.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
Wanted two, stuck with two. Even if we had two girls, I wouldn't want to try for a 3rd.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
I always thought 2-3 and DH said 3+, now we are both thinking 3, but that we might adopt #3. I'm not super keen on another pregnancy.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@LuLu Mom: Kind of! We always said we were one and done but now that DS is here I'm like wellllllllll ... ??? We will probably still just stick with him but I surprised myself by even putting a second halfway on the table!
pomelo / 5660 posts
We were two maybe three. We were pretty set on tabling conversation of #3 for awhile.. But that backfired.. We are three and done
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@Mrs.KMM: same!!
I've always wanted 3 and DH had always wanted 2, and we both have not changed in that. We have 2, so we shall see who 'wins'
persimmon / 1322 posts
My husband has always said two, with the possibility that he might be open to 3 if finances and logistics allowed, and if we felt we had a good handle on things with two. I've always said at least two, three if possible. We still both feel relatively the same, but I feel more strongly that I really do want three.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
Mine has changed so much over time
Always thought i would want at least 2
Had DD1 and was super happy with 1 and thought about being done for awhile.
Then decided to go for baby #2 and lost her shortly after birth. Had decided during the pregnancy that I was done and never wanted to be pregnant again. Either she would live and we would be consumed with taking care of her or she wouldn't make it and I didn't want to go through another pregnancy. So I had my tubes tied during my csection
Much to my surprise ater losing DD2 I desperately wanted another baby. So we are pursing IVF for baby #3 and potentially more
pear / 1718 posts
We knew we wanted 2-3. Now that we have 1, we know we want 2 still, but will wait for 2 to decide on 3!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Before we got pregnant with E we wanted two. During/after pregnancy we were one and done. I started waffling about wanting a second when he was 6 months old. D did not. I was never desperate for a second, but I felt my family would not be complete with only one (although I thought I would be happy). When E was 2.5 D changed his mind about wanting a second, and now we have G, and I absolutely feel like our family is complete.
grape / 75 posts
Always wanted four, but my pregnancies are not easy so planning on three instead.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
We both wanted 3-4 before kids. Now I'm totally done and happy with 2, and DH is happy with 2 but would like one more.
coconut / 8079 posts
We always thought we would have two. I imagined we would have two close together. But pregnancy was harder than I thought and LO had a traumatic delivery and major health concerns and surgeries during his first year. DH said another baby is not off the table, but he's not ready to discuss it. I'm not sure what I want at all!
watermelon / 14467 posts
I always wanted two until I had H. Now I want three! I hope I have twins next because I'm pretty sure that is the only way I will get three.
persimmon / 1363 posts
We wanted 4 but I have absolutely awful pregnancies and have developed some serious health problems as a result, so we will be stopping after 3.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
I always thought I'd want way more! I came from a family of six kids and DH from five kids, I knew I didn't want that many but I thought 3-4. After having one, I know I'd be happy with one.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
We always talked about 4 or 5 but now that I'm pregnant with number 3 it will probably end up being 3. Maaaaaybe we'll have another one eventually but not for 3-4 years which would be a crazy huge gap for us because if this pregnancy pans out we will have three within the first four years of marriage!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@lovehoneybee: I am so glad that D changed his mind and you got your sweet girl! So fun to see your McK family finally get a girl!
@sandy: Your comment put a smile on my face! I can't wait to see IG pictures with another one of your babies. I really feel like your sweet Ava would want that. (Maybe that is weird to say!)
grapefruit / 4770 posts
I went to comment, and I'm not sure I can quite yet. I always wanted 2. After hyperemseis, being induced for pre-eclampsia, and then a colicky baby with terrible acid reflux; and I'm just not sure I could handle another. Or if I even want another. But! Now, she's starting to really show her outgoing personality, and I actually do have a handle on things, and we are in a nice rhythm. She's perfect in spite of! With that being said, M is fantastic, and I can see our family perfectly complete. I also want her to have a sibling (my brother and I are super close), and some days can actually picture three! Which, sounds crazy given what I stated above. So, not sure where the family plans will take us, and I voted other.
persimmon / 1045 posts
We discussed having two kids when we were dating! And then after LO was born I literally wanted aaalll the babies! That settled back down to maybe three but probably two, but after a MMC and now ttc for #2 I think we will be done with two should we be so lucky.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Before, I ideally wanted 3-4. Then we had #1 and for awhile didn't even want a second. For a couple years we've been saying we want 2 but then we're done. We recently had #2, and now we're thinking maaaaaaaybe (most likely not if we think realistically...) a third.
persimmon / 1436 posts
I don't think we ever really discussed a certain number of kids before our first was born. We both knew we wanted at least one. For a long time, I had planned on just having our first. But then I got baby fever and now we have DD2. I never thought I would want more than 2 but now I'm considering fostering when our kids are older. I have rough pregnancies and had a rough delivery this time around so I don't want to go through that again.
apricot / 422 posts
@dc yoga bee: I'm not coming out of the same situation, but my feelings are the same. I really can't imagine having more but I know we will eventually.
Before kids we wanted 3, with at least a 3 year age gap. For months after DS was born I couldn't understand why anyone would ever have more than one child. It was all just so overwhelming. If I could just have 6 month olds right from the get-go then I definitely think we will have three kids. I'm sure after a few more years (DS is 7m now) I will have a clouded memory of the newborn stage and will sign up for it again.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@sandy: Ava will love looking down on her baby sister or brother! A piece of her presence will be felt in her future siblings.
I always thought I wanted 3-4. DH was 2-3. Now that we have 3, we are firmly done at 3, but I would have a 4th if I could skip the first year.
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