Hellobee Boards


Before kids to after kids

  • poll: Was there a change?
    Yes, I want more than I thought : (26 votes)
    21 %
    Yes, I want less than I thought! : (36 votes)
    29 %
    Nope stayed the same : (51 votes)
    41 %
    other. explain below : (11 votes)
    9 %
  1. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    I always thought 2-3 but 4 is a good number for us.

  2. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    For me it has more to do with how long it took to conceive our DS and my age. I wanted 2, or 3 max, but now I'll be happy with our DS and NTNP for a second for another year, and then we're done.

  3. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    I was 100% one and done. DH mentioned last week that he might want another, and now I want to go for it. We have to talk to the high risk doctors a LOT though before making that decision.

  4. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    I originally thought 4 or 5 kids would be fun.

    Now I'm pretty set on 2, and it took a lot of back and forth to decide on having a second.
    Never saying never on 3+ but it seems highly unlikely at this point.

  5. JenGirl

    clementine / 756 posts

    We talked about this a lot before getting engaged. Because my husband would love 2-3 and I wasn't sure I'd I wanted any. I eventually decided I wanted one and he ahreed. We just had our son 3 months ago and I think we're still one and done but I'm waffling a bit. I really enjoyed pregnancy and I've loved having a newborn, thus far. But it's the 2-3 age I worry about, so we'll see if I would consider another once we get past that with our son. I still think we're probably one and done, but I'm getting a Mirena so we have 5 years to figure it out!

  6. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    We always said we would take it one kid at a time, but knowing we would have more then one, and likely more then two. We will aim for 3-4 I think. At least 3.

  7. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @littlejoy: This. We've always wanted two and kind of fgured it would be a two year age gap. Well, DS is almost 3 and we are now feeling ready to talk when we will have #2.

  8. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    I always wanted 3. Then infertility happened. Now after 2 losses, 2 Ivfs and 3 FETS I am done at 2 provided this one comes as planned. I just can't take trying to get pregnant anymore!

  9. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    I thought I would just want one, maybe two max. But now I'm considering three.

  10. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    We def want 2, even tho sometimes I am so obsessed with DD that I can't imagine sharing her, haha.

    And I'm around other big families a lot, so sometimes I feel like we can even do 3... But most likely cap at 2.


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