I'm asking for your opinion with a reason to this money question. We got a lot of great toys and a considerable amount of money for my daughter's 1st birthday party. My husband wants to stick it ALL in a college fund. I want to portion off some (10% or so) of 'her' money to use for future kids' parties, so we can give nice gifts=== we have been so well taken care of and I want to make sure we 'give' generously. Two relatives said on the card/ use this for college/ so I can honor that. But for the rest, I feel we can save most and share some. This will even set a good tone as our daughter gets older and may teach budgeting?! We have a firm household budget that doesn't include kiddie gifts. Husband had a reasonable solution-use the gift cards we got for gifts in the future and save all the rest. Am I being stubborn or is the financial 'plan' I came up with reasonable?