So early on Sunday morning, I fell on black ice. Thanks to the urging of some lovely bees during my post-fall freak out, I called the OB line and got some reassurance that I was not, in fact, in labor, and that I did not break my water. Phew

Fast-forward to yesterday and last night: I was sore and in some pain while cooking dinner. Last night, I didn't sleep a wink past 2:45 a.m., despite big doses of both Tylenol and Unisom, and the assistance of the heating pad. So, I called again this morning, and went in this afternoon to get checked out.

It turns out, lovely bees, that I am not just a huge wimp; instead, I dislocated my hip. AWESOME. No wonder it hurts like heck. The doctor said that sometimes when you fall, you can slip the joint between your hip and leg, which is apparently what I did. We could let it heal on its own, but we're also in the time of rapid baby growth. So, it's off to physical therapy I go.

I'm actually glad to have an answer other than, "it's sore. It will be fine," but GEEZ. Apparently, baby and I like to keep things lively over here

Anyways, just an update, for those who responded before. Thanks for listening