This is kind of a weird question, but that's what HB is for, right (among other things)? Those weird questions that you can't really ask anyone else. So here's the thing, I've never had significant breast tenderness/pain with a pregnancy. My first made it to 9.5 weeks, so I feel like I should have. I mean, they didn't always feel great, but nothing major at all (my friend had to put a heating pad on her's because they hurt so badly). I've also never had anything terrible with pms.

I've been thinking about it (after 2 losses, I'm eager to have some symptoms this time, even though 4w2d is way early to have any major symptoms), and it occurred to me that I also have incredibly non-sensitive boobs. The main reason I got my nipples pierced a while back is because I heard increases sensitivity (it did, but not a ton). DH has to grab them pretty hard to get a reaction from me when he's trying to tease me. (TMI isn't a thing here, right?) So I was wondering if maybe it's related. Maybe with my sensitivity level being what it is, the tenderness I'm having is the equivalent of major pain to a "normal" woman? Has anyone else noticed anything similar?