Blergggg. I think southern allergies are at work for me right now. I made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow when the symptoms started Friday (thinking I was getting bronchitis) I have the urge to cough and some of that heavier chest feeling, but also I keep waking up with a dry mouth (even with a humidifier) and having itchy eyes/congestion/stuffy nose, along with an on and off sore throat. It hasn't gotten worse and I really started thinking it's allergies so I cancelled my doctor's appointment tomorrow. Last time I went thinking it was an ear infection, it was.... ALLERGIES. And cleared up in a few days.
Oh, and I'll be 26 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I'm 95% sure it's allergies. I haven't dealt with them in years (we recently moved) any favorite ways to deal with them while knocked up? I have my doctor's approved meds list but wanted to hear what's worked for you bees!