we're renters now, but would like to buy within the next couple years. right now houses in our area are SUPER cheap, like 50% of what they were a few years ago (we still live in MA, so not that cheap compared to other states, but cheap for here!). we don't make a ton of $$ and would like to find a place that we can afford, but still be in a decent area and have enough space that we don't outgrow it too quickly once LOs are in the picture. tricky combo! one option would be to find a place that needs some work, and try to do as much as we can on our own to save money. but going from renters to fixer uppers seems like a lot & i don't want to get in over my head! so what kinds of things would be reasonable for a new homeowner?

the one i'm looking at now, from the pictures at least, looks totally livable, but i would want to update a lot of it. ugly floors in bedrooms & kitchen, bad deck, some paneling in one bedroom, closet doors need replacing, ugly yet usable kitchen but nice stainless appliances. 1,850sq ft, 4 br, 2.5 bath, garage, walking distance to some shops & a reservoir, good neighborhood. seems a bit underpriced, but is this the kind of thing that would be reasonable for a first time home buyer to undertake? what kinds of updates did you do yourself?