I'm hoping there are some truck-owning bees on here who can help a girl out. We have an F-150 with an extended cab (suicide doors, not a supercab), and we are starting to wonder how we will fit a rear-facing car seat back there. My first thought is to put the car seat in the middle, instead of behind the passenger seat, just so whoever is in the passenger seat won't have their knees in their throat. But, to make matters more complicated, we also have a 70-pound dog, who would ride in the back seat as well, and I'm just not sure that the spot to the right or left of a centered car seat will work for him. (I am also, oh, *slightly* anxious about having the dog - who is honestly mellow as can be - and baby in the same space while traveling. Not to mention the fur everywhere, ugh. Here's hoping baby's not allergic!)

Anyway, I have seen some seemingly more compact car seats that I think would work, maybe? (Combi Coccoro?) Any suggestions from those of you who might have experience with this dilemma, or who have ideas on how we can determine what will work best, without just buying stuff and returning it?