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CD mamas...what detergent do you use?

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @ShootingStar: Maybe I'll look for some Ecos. We don't have a WF around here though. Now I'm wondering if the homemade stuff I use is okay to use on baby clothes or if I should just get some F&C and be done.

  2. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Ash: I suddenly panicked about which detergent to use and went out one day to buy more. I was going to use Purex F&C, which I heard is ok, but then I got worried I was going to use to much (which is what causes people to have problems with that one sometimes). I went to Whole Foods and googled/used each detergent to find one that was CD friendly, lol. But if you don't have a natural grocery store, you might just be better off ordering some. I have no idea if you can use borax on baby stuff. I personally like F&Cs because of my own sensitivities. My mom asked me if I was going to buy Ivory for baby and I was like "Dear God, no" lol.

  3. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    We use Charlie's Soap Laundry Powder.

  4. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: The homemade I used doesn't use the soap! I wasn't brave enough to try the soap lol. Here is the recipe I use and one batch lasts awhile (you can get a bunch out of batches out of each ingredient):

    1 cup washing soda
    1 cup borax
    1/2 cup oxi-clean.

    Here is a link to it and some discussion: http://theecofriendlyfamily.com/2009/08/cloth-diaper-detergent/ Supposedly it boils down to being essentially the same thing as Charlie's Soap and other CD detergents. I've also heard of people having great luck with soap nuts and Tide lately.

  5. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @ShootingStar: I was so set on prepping today lol! You know, since I haven't done anything to get ready for baby yet! Lol @ your mom... My mom insists on dreft. *sigh*

    @anbanan15: I can't use powder detergent... dh says they aren't septic safe. and I read borax voids cd warranty. But I guess the rockin green is powder... omg I'm in a pickle now.

  6. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: Yea I have read that on borax too but also read much in favor of it. A lot of things you will end up doing to your diapers will supposedly void warranty, you'll see lol. I stressed over detergents too, went with RnG because of all the great reviews and ended up suffering some major build-up issues because of it. It's all trial and error and you really have to remember that what works for so many mama's who swear up and down that their CD routine is the best, might not end up working at all for you. I'm actually re-stressing over which I want to go with as I was never fully satisfied with any that we tried in the past, but the homemade did work the best for us.

  7. Pink Champagne

    clementine / 943 posts

    Have you researched the "no powder in septic" thing? I googled it and found plenty of resources that actually recommend a lot of powdered detergents. The info I found just recommended low sudsing soaps.
    I use Rockin Green and love it. I tried Honest Conpany and it didn't get the stink out.
    ETA: it's VERY important with RG to go to their website and look up where you live to make sure you're using the right type for your water. It has changed too, because before I had LO a year ago they recommended Classic Rock, but after getting build up issues I went back and checked, and the recommendation for my area changed to Soft Rock. So momma with build up issues should definitely check that out!

  8. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @ShootingStar: I was just wondering the same thing and going to post/ask about this today too! Just want to use a F&C I can pick up from Target.

    Anyone have recs?

    I know one person posted Dreft. Anyone else use Dteft? Regular amount or 1/2?

  9. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Pink Champagne: We have hard water in our area and used both classic and hard rock with the same build up issues. I did a lot of research on it and felt confident in using RnG on our diapers, ordering accoridng to the companies recommendations, varying the amount used when we started having issues etc. It was just not a product for us in the end.

  10. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    Rockin' Green here. Works great! I also use the Funk Rock occasionally when the ammonia build up gets to be too much.

  11. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I like RG as well. I've used hard rock when our water was super hard, but now we use classic.

  12. chachacha

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Allen's Naturally. It works great!

  13. owlmom

    clementine / 958 posts

    We use Rockin Green Hard Rock. We have an HE machine and very hard water. We've been using it for almost 2 years with no build-up or stink problems, and most of our stash is BG freetimes, BG 4.0's and fuzzibunz perfect size.

  14. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: looks like after doing some research, your powder detergent would be okay for me to use. It's the store bought ones that aren't. I'm gonna try the RnG and see how I like it.

    @Pink Champagne: my husband owns an excavating business and installs septics so he knows what we can and cannot use. I looked it up and it looks like the reason they're not advised is because of the fillers than can clog the system. he's fine with me using RnG as long as I'm not using it for all the laundry. Good idea to check the site to see what they advise. I wonder if it matters if we're on a well or not.

  15. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    We used RnG for 6 months, until we realized DS was getting rashes from it. We've switched to Country Save and all is good so far....keeping fingers crossed.


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