DS is a strong-willed 7 year old. With his age there are quite a number of chores and responsibilities that is "expected" out of him but most of them don't get done with a certain amount of reminding and nagging. This rubs DS the wrong way because he doesn't like to be reminded. If I don't remind him, 5 out of 10 times things just don't get done. If I do remind him, he'd get upset and won't do it anyway 🙄

Let's say this morning. He makes breakfast for himself on Friday mornings (simple cereal and milk). As normal every morning routine he also needed to pack his snacks and water bottle. Today is school field day, and he was supposed to wear a yellow tee, apply sunscreen, wear tennis shoes. He also promised me last night that he'd do his reading homework (due Monday) in the morning.

6:30am. It didn't sound like he has gotten up yet (He usually gets up when alarm rings at 6:20a). I put on an announcement on Alexa reminding about the yellow shirt (it was really an alarm so hopefully it wakes him up without me having to knock). Cue screaming and he said he remembered. OK I apologized. He got dressed. After that he got distracted, and went to open a package that had arrived yesterday instead of making breakfast. I reminded him today is Friday he was supposed to make breakfast. More screaming and said he didn't want to today, he wanted me to make it instead or he wasn't going to eat,. We sat down for a chat. It was OK, he went to make breakfast. Breakfast was over, he cleaned up but left his empty glass on the counter. I bit my tongue and didn't remind him. Then of course, he got distracted and started doing whatever he was doing in his room after he brushed his teeth when nothing was done (sunscreen, snacks, water bottle, and the reading homework). And you guessed what happened. I reminded, wasn't well received. All in all, we weren't happy this morning.

I did a parenting class a while back. They said remind on things in the form of questions (eg. "hey, what do we do next?" "Hmm, did we forget something?") so you are not undermining their abilities -- but no, that was also frown upon too. I also didn't want to implement a rewarding system as I want to establish the value that you are supposed to do your chores and help out your family. It shouldn't be rewarded. But I may cave in....

What am I doing wrong... How do you get your LOs to do stuff / chores ? How do you remind them without making it feel like you are undermining their abilities? Thought I'd reach out and see if you have good ideas.