So I went in for my Glucose Tolerance Test last Wednesday. My Doctor does the 2-hour. Everything went well at the test. First they tested my blood sugar with the hand held monitor to make sure it wasn't already high, 81, perfectly normal. They then drew blood, made me drink the orange goo, and drew blood again at 1 and 2 hours.
Thursday night I got the call from the nurse that I "failed" the test and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. She went on the rattle off all the things on her checklist and told me that the Diabetic Counselor would call me to make an appointment to get me setup with a diet and a monitor. Ok, kinda overwhelming, but it sounded like a plan. She didn't give me my actual numbers when she called, and unfortunately the office is closed on Fridays.
I wake up Saturday and my test results are up on my online chart. Yay! Lets see how bad I failed this thing.
Fasting Glucose: 97 (70-91 normal)
1 Hour: 174 (70-179 normal)
2 Hours: 150 (70-152 normal)
I "failed" because my fasting glucose was 6 points above normal... Not what I was expecting.
I started checking my blood sugar last night (a friend gave me her sterile supplies). My numbers were totally normal 2 hours after dinner, fasting this morning and after breakfast this morning.
I don't really know where to go from here. I feel like I could possibly be being painted with a very large brush for something I don't even have that could have potential to effect my labor and delivery. I'm not worried at all about the whole diet/monitoring. The things I eat basically follow the diet anyway, and I find the monitoring quite interesting. I'm worried that unless I have more to confirm this diagnosis, I'm going to forever be skeptical and then I won't be able to get on board with my doctor when she makes suggestions like doing more ultrasounds or fetal non-stress tests or induction later down the road.
Any advice/suggestions/insight?