I'm just about 16w pregnant and have had some ridiculous morning/all day sickness. I've spent a few days in the hospital and had to visit the ER last night for more fluids and to make sure that the baby was okay (of course I didn't get sick until the second I got home from the hospital - ugh).

So, this morning I am telling my coworker that I feel hungry but it's such a struggle to keep anything down (even with the strong anti-nausea meds that I'm on) that I just haven't been able to eat much. Her response was that I just need to suck it up and force myself to eat because I'm starving my baby. Ugh. I am worried enough as it is because at this point I'm still down 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. It's so tough when people try to tell you that you're doing things incorrectly as it relates to pregnancy and parenting!

I just needed to vent! I should say that this woman and I are not friends. She was just asking because she saw me leave work yesterday to head to the hospital.