So I needed to mail a card out for My Hedgies moms birthday. I got all the way to the mailbox and realized it didn't have a stamp. So, I turn back around and waddle my pajama wearing barefoot and braless very pregnant butt back to my house (hey, its my weekend I am am being extra lazy)... only to find that my glass door has shut.

Now, for a normal person this wouldn't be a problem right? Just open the glass door! Well, a couple of days ago we went to do that and the handle came off. Like, we pulled the handle off rather than the door and instead of being smart people and just propping that door open until we fix it, we just let it close slowly so it doesn't latch. Yeah... Now I can see why that would be a bad idea....

So I am standing there, trying to find something to stick in the hole to turn the thing that would open the door and I've got nothing. Commence 30 minutes of running around the outside of my house hoping I left the back door/window/side door/garage door unlocked... nope. Not a thing. I have no phone, no keys.... just me in what can barely pass as clothes and a card that should have been in the mailbox already.

I try my neighbors, nobody home (and I am kinda grateful because on top of my already oh so sexy look, add a layer of sweat because it is 15000 degrees outside already... not even I want to see that.) So, my last resort? Break a window... ugh... the question becomes which window will be the least expensive to break.

As I am very slowly searching (and procrastinating) for the best way and window to do this I suddenly see my car in the driveway and can't help but wonder, with everything else I seem to be forgetting, did I forget to lock my car? You know, the car with the garage door opener that leads to a door that I know doesn't lock... (Yeah, we should probably fix that too) and wouldn't you believe it! nearly 45 minutes later I open my UNLOCKED car door, open my garage and hear angels singing as I walk into my house welcomed by my two dogs who just sat at the stupid glass door that started this mess and watched this all unfold.

All this to say, sometimes a pregnant brain comes in handy! I would be cleaning up glass from one of my floors right about now if my forgetful pregnant brain hadn't left my car door open!

Anybody else ever have the dreaded "pregnant brain" actually come in handy?