I think my 8 month old LO is a homebody. She's happy, smiley, playful at home. All the time. But today we went to my friend's house for a playgroup, and as soon as we walked into her apartment, my LO started screaming and I couldn't get her to stop. This carried on for 10 minutes until I realized nothing was going to stop her so we left. She cried the whole way home until we stepped into the elevator in our building, and she was totally fine. Walked into our home and she was all smiles, rolling around on the floor and happily playing.
The last time we dealt with this was a couple months ago when she was going through a Wonder Week. I brought it up with our pediatrician at her 6 mo appointment, and the doctor said it was normal. I'm hoping this is another Wonder Week that we just have to get through.
Also, one strange thing is my LO cries whenever we're with this friend. She throws fits at her house and cries for a few minutes whenever my friend comes over with her LO. She's generally fine with anyone else. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Please tell me I'm not the only one, I'm so frustrated!