I know virtually no details, because I don't watch news and am going based solely on what my mom said when asking my opinion. But, from what I've heard a college basketball coach (male) was caught having an affair with a player (female). DH, who probably knows more details, has said he should never coach again., and apparently a lot of people are saying that. My mom and I agree that he should be fired, but depending on circumstances (particularly the girl's age, which is unknown), he should just be fired for breaking school policy but leave it at that. As long as it was a consensual thing, not predatory (particularly if the girl was older, not fresh out of high school), I don't see why it's that big of a deal. Students frequently sleep with professors and it's generally overlooked. My aunt married her professor!,

We also think there's virtually no chance a female coach with a male player would get anything at all like this sort of response. My mom thinks men will advocate for harsher punishment than women as as well.

So I'm just curious what people think, and what thoughts I might not have considered, etc.