I think the hardest was when they moved out of newborn diapers, and then when they started to be mobile. To me, it meant they were no longer little babies.
Oh, and when they got teeth - I miss the gummy baby smiles.
I think the hardest was when they moved out of newborn diapers, and then when they started to be mobile. To me, it meant they were no longer little babies.
Oh, and when they got teeth - I miss the gummy baby smiles.
pear / 1852 posts
So far not as far as I remember, but I saw a post recently on Pinterest that said something along the lines of "At some point your mother put you down and never picked you up again", and It made me sad to read that, because she's almost three, and so that milestone probably isn't very far away.
pomelo / 5093 posts
Mostly not, as my daughter has just gotten more and more fun. The one sad thing is that now, at three, she's finally mostly lost all of her baby grammar and pronunciations. No more 'cho-ko-lit'. No more 'Ineedapickup'. Breaking my heart.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@sarac: This. M is only 2 but there are some mispronunciations that I really miss already!
coconut / 8279 posts
@Mrs. D: wahhh J crawls into our bed every night and I know I'll ugly cry when he stops
J started pronouncing words correctly and there are a few where I think, "aw he doesn't call it 'x' anymore" - that's been getting me lately.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Teeth definitely! She's been a slow teether and I remember when those first few popped through and I thought she's really not a baby any more. Now it's talking. There have been so many things she says in a funny sweet way and now that she's getting older she's correctly pronouncing them and it breaks my heart a little.
kiwi / 611 posts
@Mrs. D: That is so sad to think about!
Most of the milestones have been really fun, but I'm definitely starting to notice him pronouncing more things correctly. My favorite thing he used to say was he way he said our dog's name. Just in the last week or so, he's started saying it the right way and it makes him sound like such a big boy!
pineapple / 12526 posts
When she outgrew 12m clothes. She was so big! Now she's a beanpole, Amazon woman who wears 4t and 12 clothes are so TINY.
Packing away old clothes is the only thing that's really gotten me. When she goes to preschool in the Fall, I'll probably be a mess though.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
When she outgrew newborn clothes, and this week when I stopped breastfeeding. So sad.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@Mrs. D: I have that poem saved! "The last time" - http://www.boards.hellobee.com/topic/the-last-time-poem
I cry every time!
To answer the post - I was so sad when she turned a week old (I blame PP hormones because I SOBBED!), got teeth (loss of gummy smile) and the weeks leading up to her first birthday!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@loveisstrange: I already get teary thinking of preschool and kindergarten graduations!
persimmon / 1281 posts
When I stopped exclusively breastfeeding at six months to introduce solids, I must admit a felt a little sad.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@sorrycharlie: Ugh, I sobbed when LO turned a week old, too! I happened to look at the clock at the exact time he was born and I lost it. It was bad.
I got sad thinking about his first birthday, but when the time came, I was just excited. I cried when he self-weaned at 13 months because I really wanted to go longer.
nectarine / 2521 posts
The first birthday was hard. And at about 10 months when he lost a lot of his chub and started to look less "babyish." But he's turning out to be a hilarious little boy and it's fun watching him figure things out!
I definitely now get the weird joy and pain of parenthood, where you are sad they are growing up, but really excited about what they are learning each day.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@Mrs. D: I read a similar quote that said something along the lines of there being a last time they ask to be picked up.
Every milestone makes me sad! I'm a huge weenie!
papaya / 10560 posts
@Ash: OMG! I want to pick "my babies" up forever! Ha!
Gummy smiles! Sad when they get their teeth in!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I cried at the week marker too! Idk why. DH was napping on the couch and I was holding T while he was snoozing, and watched as the clock turned to 8:35pm with tears running down my face. I thought to myself, "I'm a crazy woman."
So far, nothing else. I cried when we had to stop BFing but that wasn't a milestone we grew out of. He's 10 months and not crawling or pulling up yet, so I'm anxious for those milestones to happen.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Mrs. D: For what it's worth, my mom picked me up and carried me once when I was really upset when I was at least 10. She's tiny so I have no idea how she did it, but there's a chance you have a while yet.
persimmon / 1179 posts
Night before his first birthday and the last time I breastfed him. The nursing one still makes me tear up when I think about it. I remember thinking about how sad I was to no longer have that special bond and that I would miss looking in to his eyes or watching him drift off to sleep so peacefully I feel lucky that I was able to nurse him until 16 months though so there's a plus side too.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
Haven't hit this one yet, but kindergarten is quickly approaching and I think that will be the hardest one yet!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@Mrs. D: awwww! Maybe that explains why I randomly pick up my 4.5 year old. Haha. Luckily she loves it and lets me. Now I never want to stop after reading that!
pear / 1739 posts
With DS I bawled like a baby when he was 8months and SO said we should give him a jarred food. I cried so hard. I only held DS and made SO feed him. I couldn't do it myself. /:
persimmon / 1343 posts
None really made me sad but I definitely cried when she first laughed and did a real smile, and when she first walked across the room :') it was happy tears though! I think I will be sad when she weans though
pomegranate / 3375 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: Honestly, no. Looking back at photos & videos makes my heart hurt a bit, but I've just really loved that each new stage is so amazing!!! I am sure if you ask me in a year (when she's walking and talking), I will definitely say I get sad at how fast it goes. Thank goodness for photos and other ways of documenting their lives.
pomelo / 5258 posts
It wasn't a milestone for LO but I cried on Christmas. LO is 22 months and so interested in being a big girl. Packing up all her baby toys to make room for big girl toys, changing all her clothes to 2T, listening to her talk to the whole family, she's just growing up so fast. It usually doesn't get to me but I guess it's pregnancy hormones.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Oatmeal: way to go mama with BF. You did awesome!
I definitely agree with packing away clothes. Sometimes I look at her newborn stuff and wonder where my baby went. Now that she is walking around and super independent I miss the days where she was attached to my hip because I had to carry her around. However, at 16 months she Has such a hilarious personality and is exploding in language that I really am loving every minute of it. I do miss those newborn cuddles though.
pomegranate / 3759 posts
Yes when we potty trained DD1. For some reason it meant I know longer had a dependent child!
pomelo / 5660 posts
I cried when DD was born and I realized it wasn't just B and I anymore.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
This is ridiculous but I got sad the other day in the mall when the people at Stride Rite told me my baby had moved up to the big kid shoes because shes in 8.5 now.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
My 32m calls me mom sometimes. I hate it! I keep telling her "mommy"!
grapefruit / 4584 posts
I'm going to be pretty crushed when DD#2 (7.5 months) finally cuts one of the teeth she's been working on forever. I'm ok with her crawling, mostly just because she's so pleased with herself (and because she plods around blowing raspberries like a little disgruntled pony. It's too hilarious to be sad). I did find myself shaking my head going "how did we get here so fast?!" The first time I saw her on all fours.
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@regberadaisy: Awww that would get to me, too. I was sad when my oldest daughter stopped calling me "ma-mai" (like "my mama") and said mommy instead. Now I'm afraid when she switches to "mom" her little sister will follow suite all too soon!
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