I keep reading that babies should only be awake for 90 minutes to 2 hours at a time, max. I try for that, but I feel like it doesn't work for my baby, or I'm doing something wrong. She's a slow nurser, so she wakes up and eats for at least 45 minutes, if it's been a long nap. So basically, at that point it's almost time to start the process to get her back down? Every day is different but lately it seems like she does OK with two long naps-- one actually starts less than 2 hours after waking up for the day, the other sometime in the afternoon. They range from under 2 hours to 4, which I never know if that's too long. She is 5.5 weeks old. Night sleep is pretty good-- a stretch of 5 hours or more, eat, then another 2.5 usually.

What was or is your nap schedule for the early days?

Don't you just wish there was a guide tailored perfectly to your baby that you could just follow and it would work perfectly??