I was surprised at the amount of people who said their pregnancy was high risk in the ultrasound post! So, I'm curious, was your pregnancy (any of them) considered high risk?
I've never had a high risk pregnancy.
I was surprised at the amount of people who said their pregnancy was high risk in the ultrasound post! So, I'm curious, was your pregnancy (any of them) considered high risk?
I've never had a high risk pregnancy.
90 votes
pineapple / 12793 posts
My third is consider high risk because of the short interval between c-sections.
pear / 1593 posts
LO #1 was high risk because I had 2nd trimester bleeding and monitoring health of placenta due to small abruption related to the bleeding.
pomelo / 5660 posts
DS was born at 34 weeks and DD was born at 36 weeks and change. Because both were born premature I'm high risk. With pregnancy 2 and 3 I was/am on progesterone. With DS, I was high risk because of wonky blood results from losing a twin early.
watermelon / 14467 posts
My pregnancy would be considered high risk by some doctors because I had gestational diabetes and H had bilateral choroid plexus cysts on her brain. My CNM's did not classify me as high risk because the GD was well managed and the cysts resolved within six weeks.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Mine was low-risk, but I developed what I assume is pre-eclampsia towards the end (extreme swelling, spilling protein into my urine, high blood pressure). But all of that came on in the last trimester and was only at dangerous levels after I was already overdue by a few days, so I was induced when I was 5 days overdue.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Both were. I have an antibody issue, so if the levels in my blood get too high, they can cause the baby to become anemic. In severe cases, it can cause fluid on the brain. Thankfully, my levels were always super low, but I had monthly ultrasounds and blood draws to be safe.
Also, I had GD with LO1. And I was referred to MFM to begin with because my first pregnancy was lost due to a chromosomal abnormality.
honeydew / 7230 posts
Yes, because of twins. My MFM also considers IVF pregnancies high-ish risk (not super high risk, but likes to watch them closely).
If I was ever pregnant again, I'd be considered high risk because my cervix was cut (unintentionally) during delivery, which would put me at high risk of incompetent cervix.
pear / 1558 posts
My pregnancy was considered high risk simply due to my age from the start, then we found a choroid plexus cyst on DD's brain (which resolved by 32 weeks), & in the final few weeks of gestation I had excess amniotic fluid. All in all, I have a perfect baby girl and no real issues during delivery.
clementine / 957 posts
I didn't know until recently when I saw it on the paperwork and asked the Dr. My pregnancy is considered high risk due to having had Graves Disease. It's currently in remission and I'm not on any medication but apparently that still counts as high risk at my OB office
pomegranate / 3604 posts
1 out of 3 was. Severe IUGR diagnosed at 15 weeks; prematurely born at 31 weeks weighing only 450g.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
They consider mine "higher risk" (but not necessarily "high risk") because of first trimester bleeding that lasted over a month, and then because they wanted to monitor my placenta. They are also moderately concerned that I might have another pp hemorrhage like I did with E, so they have an aggressive plan in place for delivery, although she's still breech at 37 weeks so I'm not sure how much of a moot point that will be...
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
They never said it to me but my chart says it. It says "monitoring of high risk elderly multigravida" which means I am old.
cherry / 125 posts
I was considered high risk because I had pre existing hypertension.
My blood pressure was perfect the entire pregnancy, baby was born perfectly healthy, but I developed pre eclampsia after the baby was born
pomegranate / 3411 posts
all my pregnancies are considered high risk because i have pre-existing high blood pressure. i am on my second pregnancy now.
honeydew / 7283 posts
With M I had a low risk pregnancy was induced at 36 weeks when I developed pre-e suddenly.
With J I was monitored more closely because of my history but did not need to be induced until 39 weeks. I was watched closely but I wouldn't say it was high risk.
persimmon / 1165 posts
Mine was high-risk because I was carrying twins. Fortunately, nothing else was going on that would have been considered risky.
blogger / kiwi / 588 posts
I was high risk for both pregnancies. I had GD with the first and vasa previa with the second resulting in a c-section at 35w6d. LO#1 had no issues but LO#2 had some breathing issues (probably bc she was a premie) and was in the NICU for 10 days.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@BandDmommy: Interesting, I wonder if they will classify me as high risk next time since I had mine at 35 and 36? Do you have to be monitored more? I had progesterone shots last time, and I know I'll need to do them again (already asked my doctor), but I wasn't thinking that anything else would be necessary.
papaya / 10570 posts
I thought that too!!
Both of mine were/are high risk because of GD. My second is also high risk because of IUGR with #1 (only discovered after she was born).
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@travellingbee: Lol! I'll have to check my paperwork at my next appt as I'm fairly sure mine is going to say that too! Darn us elderly ladies having babies when we should clearly be playing bridge and washing our hair with a blue rinse!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
My second was high risk on paper due to GD but low risk in reality as everything was well-managed.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Both of my full-term pregnancies were high risk. The first because of pre-term labor. The second because of asymmetric growth/IUGR.
pomelo / 5607 posts
First 2 were m/c, third baby had severe hydrocephalus (ended in medically necessary termination at 32 weeks), fourth they did a ton of monitoring because of hydro concerns. Also, as it turns out, I was high risk for preterm labor, but no one took it seriously until it was too late. We're done, but if we weren't any further pregnancies would be high risk.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
I don't know that I would officially be considered high risk, but I did have a lot of things going on and saw I think five doctors (3 of them regularly and 2 were one time visits) plus my OB consulted with the fetal medicine dr at the hospital, plus ER doctors and a hospital stay during my second pregnancy. I had early bleeding/vanishing twin, UTIs, and was on antibiotics for another pesky thing from 8 weeks on. The first was completely routine. Thankfully my son was born totally healthy. I didn't feel well enough to breastfeed (thrush and another new round of antibiotics in the first two weeks, general exhaustion- like beyond newborn exhaustion- and a three year old too) which has been sad for me, but other than that and a 3 day hospital stay for my newborn (a cold with a fever, so monitoring), things have gone really well. I have to say it has given me a whole new perspective on things.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Thankfully both have been low risk. My midwife even has me coming in a little less frequently than normal since everything has been by the book and it's annoying getting to appointments.
38 weeks with my second tomorrow, so almost past the point where anything could be high risk I guess. I've been very lucky.
nectarine / 2932 posts
I was never told mine was high risk but I had multiple issues during pregnancy that requires extra monitoring (placenta previa, breech presentation, and pre-eclampsia).
I'm not sure if the pre-e will make me high risk next time or not. I plan on asking at my annual Friday because I'd like to try for a vbac next time.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Yes, my first 2 were due to:
Placenta previa and PIH turned pre-E with my first
PIH starting at 16 weeks with my second.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
I was considered high risk with my second because my first came at 30w5d! I was on progesterone shots for my 2nd as well as frequent ultrasounds and I had a healthy baby at 40w5d.
nectarine / 2765 posts
I was monitored closely because of twins and had a couple issues along the way but they never said the words "high risk" and I never asked. I spose it probably was...I didn't vote, though.
apricot / 329 posts
Yes, due to AMA and GD, and in the last trimester, breech until the end. Since my first pregnancy ended a bit early (37+0) with an abrupted placenta and PPROM, my next pregnancy will be high-risk due to those factors as well.
Hoping I don't have GD again (it was well controlled with a very very careful diet), but apparently my wish is unlikely to come true!
honeydew / 7917 posts
I had GD with both my pregnancies. LO2 was also below average in size and had VSD. Both were born healthy without any issues.
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