I do all the ironing for my DH and it is the source of so much stress! I just cannot make myself do it. It is so much work, is dangerous so I can only do it when LO is asleep. It takes me at least 1hr to iron four or five shirts and a few pairs of pants. Then LO wakes from napping and I look around my messy house, having accomplished nothing else.

DH also expects me to keep up with which color socks he is low on, etc.

Now mending! Today he asked me to iron a pair of regular khaki non-dress pants because he would be outside a portion of the day. So I do it and then he gets all frustrated the way someone gets with a waitress. No no no! These don't have a button and they are too tight. I only do yard work in these! Never mind I'll just wear regular pants!


Of course since he uses them for yard work they got mixed in with all the regular laundry. I knew that pair of pants didn't have a button but it just slipped my mind.

You know I try to keep the perspective that being an SAHM means my job is caring for the child, then house comes next, then husband chores next. Honestly I see why it is a timesaver for him for me to perform these tasks but feeling responsible for remembering the most minute details of his wardrobe is not something I find the time for! We fight over this all the time, every time a pair of blue socks is not immediately available, etc.

Today I took a sharpie to his now-yardwork pants. Now no-one will mistake them for dress pants as they have giant purple X marks down the front. He has another pair that need mending but I personally think they are too thin for work (linen) so I am going to slip them in the donate box never to be seen again. If he wants them mended, he needs to take the initiative to make it happen!