I had my second prenatal appt today and i had my list of questions and we heard the heartbeat and my doctor told us the results were good from the first trimester ultrasound and blood work....but all that took like, 10 minutes? We were in and out and I guess I felt like i needed more info but didn't get it, lol. Although i am not sure what info i still needed.... Maybe it was him saying "results are good!" so quickly i didn't realize what he was talking about first.

After i left, i realized i wanted more details since i didn't remember exactly everything we tested for. Like what do i no longer need to worry about?

Even discussing my high blood pressure, i told him how it got super high on the weekend, so he checked it and said we will increase my meds. the end. what do i do if next week it's still high? he said it will be a sign we need to make another adjustment, end of story. bye bye.

Maybe he is just really abrupt and quick and i want to know everything and hear it three times! Anyone else ever feel like this? He is nice about everything, abrupt does not imply he is mean or cold or anything.