DS is 6 and I have always known that as they get older the price of gifts goes up!

I usually like to keep it at $150 per kid which when they were younger went a long way.

We were at Target and DS saw a Star Wars At-At lego set and he is obsessed with it - but it costs $100.

He went home and immediately wrote a note to Santa and include about 5 "pleases" - ha!

I told him that it wont guarantee the gift but he assured me it will - sigh....

So, If I spent $100 on that I would have $50 to spend on a few other things.

Problem is his little sister would probably get more gifts because things she likes is cheaper.


I am afraid come Christmas he will be more concerned with the # of gifts than the value (considering he is 6!) even though he REALLY wants that lego set.