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Do you wish you had children when you were younger?

  1. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    I had mine at 31 and almost 33. I think I had mine at a good age--had a chance to live my life and be selfish before having kids.

  2. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    Yes, for sure, but then again I really enjoyed my 20s so I have no regrets. I feel like I partied and did all the things I wanted to do when I was younger (especially travelling!) so I was ready to have kids after we got married. I met my husband later (30) and we didn't have our first child until I was almost 35 and had our second when I was almost 38. It all worked out except that I'm exhausted all the time b/c I'm just old. Now you know how old I am.

  3. gingerblonde

    cherry / 184 posts

    No, I am about to turn 30 and will have my first shortly thereafter. If anything, I feel too young and unprepared! If anything, I wish we had been married a bit longer so we could have enjoyed married life more before beginning this adventure, but... life had other plans!

  4. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: This! "While I would have loved to have met him earlier and gotten started on this earlier, we've both had so many experiences that have made us who we are"

    @Mrs. Bee: My initial reaction was yes, but then I thought about it and agree completely with @Ms.Pumpkin. I am expecting our first LO now at age 38. I met DH at age 33, we got married at age 35, started TTC right away but I was 37 before we got PG. In theory, I do wish we had LO #1 earlier because I am worried if we will have success at TTC for #2, but I still wouldn't change anything!

  5. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    Only wish I had met DH earlier! Love having his babies and wouldn't have wanted them with anyone I'd dated prior.

  6. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    Goodness no! I had #1 at 17. I'm 25 now, and have 2 LOs and looking back, I don't regret getting pregnant. I still got the degree I wanted in the amount of time I wanted. The only thing I "miss out on" was partying, and I don't care about that. I feel very thankful for the life I've lived thus far.

  7. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @kentuckygirl: congrats on your BFP!

    Nope. LO was born a day after I turned 25. I did my undergrad and masters, we took one big international trip, and bought a house with a big chunk of savings before he was born. We were ready! Any earlier and the house would've been less do-able. My parents are older and I want him to remember them, as well. I have family that had fertility issues while young so I was also a little scared we would have issues. Looking forward I being an empty nester at 40

  8. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    Part of me wishes I started younger so I would have the energy I feel that I'm lacking. But I'm glad we got to get ourselves to a good place before having a baby.

  9. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    Haha nope! It would be awful if I had children any younger. Though I can't regret it because I love my life and I love that we can enjoy the kids while we still have the energy and we will still be young when the kids are all moved out so we will still be able to do all of the things we wanted to do before having children

  10. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Nope! I was 29 when I had ds n still felt toobyoung! I got to do a lot of traveling and enjoying time w dh before that I wouldn't ever wish away before having ds! My mom was 29 when she had me too!

  11. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Yes and no... yes because now infertility issues are doing a loud tick tock in my head ALL the time and I feel a lot of pressure to get moving. Also yes because I love being a mum more than anything else in the world, I would have absolutely loved to have A in my life for longer. But no because I loved my 20s, I went to uni and had a blast, enjoyed a good few years of my career, travelled a lot including a round-the-world trip and moved abroad. I feel all that experience will contribute to the kind of parent I can be to our kids. I'm 33 so no spring chicken, ha.

  12. PurplePeony

    pomegranate / 3113 posts

    Not really, but it would have been nice to have a younger body to carry the pregnancy, and if we'd had kids a couple years ago we'd have still been on the east coast, closer to our families. But we were lucky and got pregnant pretty quickly once we felt ready.

  13. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    Nope! I was 24 when I got pregnant and 25 when she was born and it was the perfect age for me. I've always wanted to be a younger mom.

  14. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    No! Only because that would have meant having a child with someone that is not my husband, as we only got together in my early 30s.

  15. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    Nope, I liked being child free in my 20s. Plus I probably would have struggled and not had my house and loans paid off.

  16. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    Sometimes I do wish we were younger when we got pregnant. I was 32 when I had him. Turning 34 next week, so the clock is ticking again. It took 4 months to conceive LO so I don't want to wait too long on his sibling for age spacing and pregnancy health in general. We married when I was 29, so we started married life a little later too.

  17. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    no. DH and i had a good time dating and then married and i think it was timed well in terms of our age (i was a month shy of 29 when DD was born). we still want to travel and bring LO along for the ride! we have a lot to achieve professionally, but it's not a hindrance, but a reason to keep moving forward for us.

  18. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    I'm 31 and LO is arriving in April. DH will turn 32 before then. We met right after I turned 25 and got married when I was 27. I have no regrets. We have enjoyed our time just the two of us and I think we have established a healthy marriage that will be a great benefit to our little boy and any future LOs.

  19. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    I had LO at 31 last year and no way would I have had her earlier..I had too much carefree fun in my 20s.

  20. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    I'm 30 and expecting our first, due a few months before 31. Met DH at 24 but lived in different states, engaged at 27 and married 28. He's 6 years older. We'd love slews of children.

    I don't think our timeline could have moved much faster but I do often think if we'd met earlier it might have been nice. Don't think I gained all that much from years of unfulfilling dating and single life, really. And now I feel like I'd like to be a SAHM for a bit but there's all this career pressure because of a graduate degree and student loans that I didn't have in my early 20s. So that's kind of annoying. But maybe with kids I never would have gone back to school or pursued the field I'm in, and would regret that. Or maybe I'd be plenty fulfilled by motherhood and never care. Who knows!

  21. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    No way. I had DS at 22 and will have this one at 23. I'm enjoying being a young mom and will be glad to have all of our kids before 30 but I can't imagine being any younger. As it is, giving up our newlywed married freedom this young has been hard -- but my son is worth it!

  22. AmandaB8

    clementine / 849 posts

    Nope. I just had my LO at 25. But I've graduated, I have a solid career, dh is a lawyer, we've traveled Europe and many places around the US, and we own our home. We've been together since hs, so we were ready!!

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Nope! I'm 29 now having my first in a few months and it feels like exactly the right time for me. My 20s were busy with undergrad and law school, starting a job, getting married, buying and furnishing a home, traveling with my husband, etc. I'm glad we had all those experiences and we are where we are now with our home and our jobs before we started with kids. I'm sure we could've made it work otherwise, but having everything else in our life feel so settled and accomplished makes having a kid seem far less stressful to me.

  24. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I'm 35, and I have a 21 month old and another on the way this summer. I do wish I was a younger mom at times, BUT I loved my 20's! I look back at those years rather fondly. I had great jobs, got to travel, and had fun 'getting it out of my system'. Now I am married and a stay-at-home mom. Life couldn't be more different now than it was then!

  25. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    No. I met DH at 22, married at 24, was 26 with my first and will be 27 with my second. I might be done by 30, which would be nice.

    I kind of wish we had waited. I think we made the best decisions for us at the time. We both went to grad school at the same time because I didn't want to be the wife who put him through school while talking about how one day I would go back myself. I was sick for most of grad school with some chronic health problems, so we decided to try right away in case I was infertile. I wasn't, and was pregnant when I walked.

    Of course this means we have been poor our whole marriage! I wish we had had a few years of just working and making money. My sisters and friends go on fancy trips, buy new clothes, do things for themselves. I have no idea what that is like! I feel like my twenties have been all work and responsibility. It would have been nice to have a little fun.

  26. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    No. I was 25 when my boys were born, definitely wasn't ready before then for babies! If anything, if I would have known we would have twins when we got pregnant, I would have held off for another year or so. But only if I knew I was still going to get these exact boys. It was quite a shock to go from 0 to 2 at once. 2 was always our number, so if I knew if get them both at once, I'd feel like we have more time before having kids.

  27. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    I'm 22 so I can't have picked to be much younger. Lol

    DH and I are financially stable and have been married for almost 3 years. We both felt ready to start a family. Plus since my family has always had children young, LO has lots of years with his great grandparents ahead of him. My Mamaw only just turned 66.

  28. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    No, but I had lo at 22 so as @danizaur said..couldn't be much younger. There have been times throughout the past year or so that I have said to dh that in a way I would have dealt with some of this better as a teenager! But that's just my personality kind of stuff, sleep needs, etc., and overall of course I would NOT have been better off. I also don't regret not waiting though.

  29. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Nope. I was 23 when I had W. Any younger and I wouldn't have been done with school or had a stable job!

  30. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    I think my kids came at the perfect time in our lives. But I wish I had more energy and wish there wasn't such an age gap. My hubby and I are 40 and 36 when this baby arrives. That was the diff between my dad and his mom and she had 9 kids. I never wanted such an age gap, but o well.

  31. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Yes. If it were up to me I would have been married by 22 and had kids by 23. Didn't work out that way.

  32. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    A big f* yes! I would have started on our wedding night had I known it would take 2 years to get pregnant. Being responsible and having enough money doesn't mean anything now. I would give up anything to be pregnant.

    I don't curse that often but for this question, I will.

  33. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Definitely yes. I was 32 when I got pregnant and 33 when I had him. I've been in my established career for 7 years, and wish DH and I had been together sooner to start sooner! But, it is what it is.

  34. MummaColston

    olive / 50 posts

    Haha no way! I'll stick with 22 thank you very much! I suppose I'm considered a fairly young Mum but I'm glad I had my LO when I did. It didn't take much for me to get back in to shape, and he gets to enjoy his grandparents for longer. I've always been a bit upset that I didn't get to meet one set of grandparents and I didn't get much time with my other set.
    On the other hand I'm glad I wasn't any younger because at 22 I had a good education, qualifications, and a steady job to support my family as did my 25 year old partner.

  35. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    Lol, no. I had my son at 23.

  36. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    Not really - I couldn't imagine having kids in my early to mid 20's. Late 20's would probably have been doable, but it didn't work out that way and I'm fine with that.

  37. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    I was 29 when LO was born and I love the timing.

  38. kakimochi

    apricot / 370 posts

    no, i thoroughly enjoyed my 20s and early 30s, but I am very grateful that I was able to have 2 kids--my first at 37, and the 2nd at 40, I was worried that my age would make it difficult. I'm going to be 42 this year, and I do wish I had more energy, it's hard keeping up with 2.


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