Hellobee Boards


Do/Did you stress about milestones?

  1. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    Well the nanny just told me that H rolled back to belly about 4 times yesterday. Glad that she's doing it, but I feel like crap that I wasnt the one to see it. DH and I saw her roll tummy to back a few times, but I think that was just a fluke.

    So I guess that's the other stressful part of milestones...When they hit them and someone else gets to experience it with them first, ie caregivers:(

  2. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I've been stressing about sitting, she just doesn't have the strength and if we would let go she would just topple over (6 1/2 months.) I know I'm not suppose to compare her to other kids, but I noticed most her age are sitting unassisted. The doctor told me not to worry and that she's excelling in every area at this time, but I still get worried!

  3. Mrs. Tea

    blogger / apricot / 424 posts

    I have my moments where I worry about this. The major concern lately is starting to say words. I am eagerly awaiting a first word over here { please be MAMA! } and start to stress when I hear other little ones saying things months earlier then my lo.

    I also sometimes worry that if she doesn't do certain things early then I will miss them when I have to go back to work...

    Never an easy task this Motherhood deal!

  4. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Aww, that would be so hard, but yay for H!


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