I've gotten so much unwanted advice (shocking, I know). My mom keeps telling me to just be vague in my responses but I'm curious if that's actually worked for anyone?

Usually the unwanted advice stems from a question like "are you getting an epidural?" I say helllll yes and then the perso goes ballistic on a natural birth tangent and how I'm such a horrible person for wanting an epidural (haha what I'd love to say is they'd REALLY think I was a horrible person if they saw me without an epidural!) and this all just leads to me being angry and frustrated.

My mom thinks I should just say "My doctor and I are going to discuss it at my next appointment." but I feel like they'll still give me advice, especially if they think they are helping me come to a decision.

It amazes me that people actually care how I choose to manage my pain during the birth of my child, which has zero impact whatsoever on the advice giver.