Charlie woke up two hours ago screaming and yelling. I watched him on the monitor while we waited for him to calm back down, but instead of calming down he seemed to be escalating. It was really unusual, so I went into his room to see what was up.

Turns out, he had just had a nightmare... but when I tried to talk to him or comfort him, he just started screaming more hysterically. So finally I just opened a book and turned on a flashlight, and started reading him "Good night, Good night, Construction Site."

It worked! He calmed down and eventually broke out of his temporary hysteria. I was able to calm him down, and told him I was leaving the room and would be back in the morning. To my surprise, he was fine with it. I guess he really did just have a nightmare.

Does your LO ever wake up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare? How do you manage it?