I am still 1cm dilated BUT I am now 70% effaced and doctor said effacement is the most important in terms of progress. Baby is now negative 2 station down from 3. I found out that my doc may not be able to deliver me if I go past the 7th! She wanted an induction but I hav decided my natural birth is more important to me so I am sticking with my guns even if this baby is late. I will not be allowed to go past 42 weeks. I need your prayers and vibrations ladies! Please help will this baby to come before the 41st week so that I can have my own wonderful doctor as well as avoid an induction! It would make me so happy to avoid the stress of dealing with someone I do not know. Thank you! I plan on having lots of sex and spicy food and everything on the list but castor oil which is dangerous. We shall see! Come on baby!