I would love to hear anyone's experiences with doing an elimination diet to help treat your baby's reflux/GI issues. My LO will be a month old on the 24th and is suffering with awful reflux and colic/gas/constant discomfort and crying. He has occasionally had mucusy/green poops. He's on reflux meds (Prevacid and Zantac) which are helping maybe a little, but it's still pretty awful. We are seeing his GI on Monday and he told me at the last appt that if the meds are not helping significantly, the next step to try might be an elimination diet for me.
I have already cut out dairy (as of about 2 wks ago), I am not sure it's made a huge difference. I am willing to try anything at this point because he's so miserable (and so am I). He is EBF - about half his feeds are EBM in a bottle with a thickener (Gelmix) to help reduce reflux.
What did the elimination diet look like for you? How did you do it?