This has been a subject I've brought up a few times and I'm back to check in about those of you with a larger age gap.
We know we want two kids- and a third is not off the table. Originally I was thinking a two year gap but after a difficult pregnancy and L&D (GD, Pre E, 44 hour induction) I'm not in a hurry to have another. So we were talking 3 year. I'm still not feeling ready to TTC next year.
After spending the long weekend with friends who have a 6 year old and 18 month old I find a larger age gap very appealing. More time to focus on each child namely. My sister and I have a 4 year 5 mo gap and my Mom has always said it was awful- but we lived overseas which may be a contributor. DH wants to soak up time with T and does not want his attention split yet- but is happy with whatever I want.
The reason I'm thinking so far in advance is that its recommended to be off my favorite type of BC- depo for 1 year prior to TTC.
If you have a similar gap- what are the benefits? Challenges?
If you tried for your second at/after 35 was TTC more difficult? Did you experience secondary infertility?