Thoughts on this?
From the article:
This week, the group issued a revised consumer update discouraging the use of fetal ultrasounds and heartbeat monitors to create "keepsake images" and videos, emphasizing that ultrasounds should be performed only when there is a medical need -- and under the supervision of appropriately trained medical professionals.
I had tons of ultrasounds, but they were all ordered by my doctor. I know many people who had multiple elective ultra sounds, and will probably take issue with this ruling.
I fall into the camp of, "Really? Is this really something that needs to be super regulated?" despite the fact that I have no medical training, and I'm probably overlooking some huge thing. Granted, I also ate soft cheese and deli meat as well as dyed my hair during pregnancy, so there's that:)
ETA- ruling is probably the wrong word to use. Judgment?