We always kinda knew we were one and done.
Started late(er) in the game (I'm mid 30s), PCOS problems, ended up high risk (HELLP syndrome), LO has respiratory problems and there's NO way we can afford two in daycare, so there you go. Plus, these first 2 years have totally kicked my ass. I am sooo tired
But then I remember when I was pregnant that everyone would ask me if I was excited, if I was ready to meet my little girl and I would say 'yes', but really I had no idea what they meant. The idea that she was real, with her own little personality and foibles was too nebulous for me as a first time mom. I mostly wanted to be done being pregnant.
Now, I get. Now, I WOULD be so excited to meet a new little person and see how they tackle the world. I would treasure some of the moments in their development that I now know are fleeting: the cuddly mushy baby in the beginning, gummy smiles, dribbley first foods, the first time they notice music, etc.
But, alas, it is not to be. A little sad, but I am treasuring getting a little more sleep and much less food prep and being out of nap jail on the weekends and watching her approach the world with more determination and fire every day.
Lucky for us, given our situation, when the 3 of us are together it feels like the perfect amount, so moments of sadness about one and done are fleeting.
Anyone else?