So... being the impatient person I am, I decided to go with the Panorama/Harmony test instead of the NT scan, because they test for pretty much the same thing, and I really wanted to know the gender early. But I forgot about the things that can only be identified on an ultrasound... like spina bifida, which would be discovered during the NT scan.

Now, I'm feeling really guilty for putting my wants in front of checking on the baby. I called the doctor and asked how much it would be to do the test, and the receptionist said that my insurance most likely wouldn't cover the NT scan as well. I'm hoping she was wrong about the out of pocket price, because she said it would be over $700 for the two-part test! There's no way we can pay for that right now.

I'm sure hormones are making this much worse for me right now... I guess I'm just looking for someone to talk me off the ledge