Hellobee Boards


Feeling hopeful!

  1. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @BandDmommy: I know that logically... so I should wait for everything to dry and then obsessively compare, right?

    @MrsKoala: Yes, and that's good to know about the new ones. I think the fact that I still got the today is a good sign so I just need to keep that in mind.

    @mrsrain: Thanks! I need to step away from the HTPs.

  2. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @GreenThumb: time of day definitely affects line darkness for me. It used to give me heart attacks until I realized my fmu is always (much) lighter than a mid-afternoon test. Fingers crossed for you so tightly!!!

    Eta- while I agree your 6dpt looks darkest, I think your 8dpt is darker than your 7dpt, so I think that is a good sign too!

  3. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @bloved: Thank you... I'm crazy so I just took another FRER to test that theory and it is already darker than the one mid-morning and it hasn't dried yet, so I may just be one of those people who test darker later in the day, too. This is it for the tests for me!

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Fingers crossed for you!!! Congratulations and good luck!!!

  5. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @GreenThumb: My tests were always darker in the afternoon/evening.

  6. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    My tests were also significantly darker in the evening. It scared me the first time I took one with FMU and it was so much lighter than the previous test I had taken at night.

  7. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @BandDmommy: @TrailRunner: Thank you! I didn't know that was a thing... but it looks like that's the case for me, too!

  8. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @GreenThumb: My tests are always darker in the evening too.

  9. Periwinkle

    pear / 1879 posts

    @GreenThumb: Congratulations! Wishing you everything good!

  10. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    Just saw this post - definitely getting darker and crossing all my fingers and toes for you! good luck on thursday!


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